Chapter Eleven - The Egg

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When we arrived back at the Ugnaught's home, I was surprised to find that he seemed almost relieved at our arrival.

"I thought you were dead," he announced.

"Your confidence in us is comforting," I replied.

He didn't seem fazed by my words, eyes falling on the floating silver sphere that followed us, and the creature inside.

"This is what was causing all the fuss?" he asked.

"I think it's a child," Mando added.

"It is better to deliver it alive then."

I nodded slowly. "The bounty's higher that way too, but our ship's been destroyed."

"Destroyed?" the Ugnaught questioned.

"Jawas," the Mandalorian told him.

"Ah, then it was stripped, not destroyed. The Jawas steal, nothing more."

"It's the same thing in our case," I explained.

"They're protected by their crawling fortress. There's no way to recover the parts," my partner told him.

"You can trade," Kuiil suggested.

"Mando isn't one for trading," I added.

"I will take you to them. I have spoken!" The Ugnaught walked off.

"That went well," I commented, turning to look at the Mandalorian.

A gentle laugh graced the air and both of our heads turned at the same time. The bounty had climbed from the sphere and was now chasing a small frog on the ground.

I found myself smiling gently at his action. Even as he took the small creature into his mouth.

"Hey! Spit that out!" Mando told him. The green creature did. The bounty hunter then turned to look at me. "What?"

"Don't be so harsh on the thing," I advised.

"He's a bounty Solo," the man reminded me.

"He's still just a kid, worth an entire camota of Beskar or not."


The Jawas seemed to scurry away as we approached their transport, Kuiil in front of us.

"They really don't like you for some reason," the Ugnaight commented.

"Well, I did disintegrate a few of them," the armoured man replied.

"You need to drop your rifle," Kuiil advised.

"He's a Mandalorian," I answered for my partner. "It's part of their religion, and before you ask, I'm not getting rid of mine either, I'm a rebel."

"You aren't getting your parts back then," he told the two of us.

Mando turned his eyes to me. "We have to give up our weapons."

"I'm not putting my saber down, mir'sheb (smartass)," I told him sternly.

"You never even use it."

"That's not the point," I explained, moving closer to the man. "It was my father's. I've never put it down and I don't plan to."

That seemed to ring in the man's ears. "Alright, just keep it hidden and maybe they won't see it."

"It's a risk," Kuiil told us. "If they notice the weapon, there will be no trade."

The Mandalorian turned his head towards the Ugnaught. "Then we have no trade."

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