43----Break me

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Fiona is dead?.
Oh my God...
I can't believe it. Jayden has gone insane! Totally crazy.
I remain silent as the cops walked away. It hit me... Its my fault.

I drove Jayden to his insanity.
Bitch, finally.

Then my eyes met with his... Hagel.
I choked.
The look in his eyes as he stared back at me put a certain fear in me.
I know that look.
Jayden used to have it all the time when we were together.

A look that swears to protect me even if it cost a life. Eyes burning with promises unspoken.


When will he understand that.
My chest tightened up as reality dawned on me.
I have destroyed this family. My presence here since day one has caused nothing but pain.

" Come with me son" I faintly here Henry say to Hagel. Hesitantly, Hagel followed as they disappeared into the main house.
I sank into my seat, tears building up in my eyes as I self- hate.
I could feel Bethany's eyes on me, Vidal followed after Hagel and Henry, refusing to be in the same space as me.

" Are you happy now?" Came Beth's cool voice.
For a second, I didn't catch the words.
" Are you happy?" She repeated herself, picking and chewing her toasts calmly. Her eyes focused on her plate as she spoke again.
" You know what you are? A fucken virus. You corrupt everything good" pause, chew, swallow.

" You've destroyed everything good that once existed in this house" chew, swallow, cut.
" MY Husband!-" she yells, gripping her cutlery so hard her white knuckles turned pink.
"--- is now a murderer because of you" .

Her eyes settled on me, the calm in them turning bitter instantly. It's like watching the ocean. The calm before the storm. Her eyes lit and skimmed into slits. She narrowed her gaze at me.
" You bitch!" The fork came flying in my direction , my arm taking the hit as my body reacted first before my brain could comprehend what was happening.
I winced in pain as the fork scratched my arm painfully, falling at my feet.

Am instantly standing , Looking at my sister , discombobulated.
My sister...
Scratch that, this isn't Bethany. This is a fucken monster.
" What the hell Beth!" Am confused at the hatred channeled at me, but deep down, am not surprised.
If anything, it angered me.

It angered me so much that she had the nerves to get angry, when she knew all along what happened to me five years ago!.

" You should have died that night. That bullet should have killed you!. I fucken hate you. You've destroyed everything I ever cared about! Why don't you do the world a favor and just kill yourself".

I gasp. A sharp pain shooting daggers into my chest at her words.
I wanted to not believe it. Maybe am just dreaming this . My brain is fucking with me.
My sweet, loving, innocent sister didn't just say those things.

It's all in my head.

But no, it's not.

It angered me that she was a pretentious backstabbing bitch.

Her face showed no remorse, not a single trace of regret. Just a burning anger that seemed to shake her entire body.

It stabbed me. A heavy burden. The truth that I so much didn't want to believe became lucid now.
Bethany was the enemy.

She has always been the enemy.

I stagger back, falling unto my knees as an excruciating pain over powered me.
Through my blurry vision, I watched the only family I had left.
She didn't look the least bit sorry.
With one last hateful glare at me, she walked away.
Everything in my body begged me to go after her, to pull her eyes and hair out.
To murder her.
The feeling was so strong that I stopped breathing.

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