Chapter 1 - New Friend

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I was nervous, practically shaking, standing outside the big wooden doors of the daycare. I was waiting for Charlie to come show me my tasks. I knew I would be working with an animatronic, but, in a daycare? I didn't know that one of the glamrocks worked in the daycare. I fiddled with my hair as I waited for Charlie. Before I knew it, he was approaching me, with his brown, short and curly hair, and green eyes with glasses.

-"Y/N! How you been doing? I can't wait to get you ready for your first day in the daycare!"

-"I uhm.. I've been good. Finally got out of the house."

-"Good, good! Now lets get you settled into the daycare and meet your new co-worker!"

New co-worker? I've already met the glamrocks though. What other animatronic might there be? Before I could say anything, Charlie ushered me into the daycare. The lights were bright as the music blared in my ears. Everything was so... colorful. The colors hurt my eyes. Charlie placed his hands around his mouth to amplify his voice, and shouted.

-"Sun! Our new friend is here!"

There was the sound of bells jingling, and someone poked their head out from behind one of the play houses. Man were they short. This must be Sun, because he looks a lot like a sun. I awkwardly waved at him, forcing a nervous smile. He smiled wide, standing up- HOLY HELL WAS HE TALL! He must be like 2.5x my height! I assume maybe 9'2-ish. Who I can only assume is Sun ran up to me, pulling me into a hug that lifted me into the air, twirling around.

-"New Friend! It's so nice to meet you!"

He practically screamed into my ears. It overwhelmed me so much, it was too loud. Too loud for me to handle. It began to overload my brain, and I felt the instinct to punch him in the face and tell him to shut the hell up. I didn't want to hurt him though, he seemed nice. My feelings conflicted with each other, and tears began to roll down my face. I was crying. How could I cry? Like this? My feelings of guilt for crying only made it worse. Sun's face contorted to a look of worry as he stopped twirling me.


He set me down, getting onto his knees to be eye-to-eye with me. Charlie just stood there, looking at me concerned. 

-"Friend! I did not mean to upset you!"

He was still just as loud, making me cry even more.

Charlie POV

I finally pieced together what was going on with Y/N. Should I tell Sun? Would they be okay with that? I had to do something, otherwise Sun would just keep yelling and upset them even more. 

-"Sunny.. Please quiet your voice. Our friend Y/N here has some.. sensory problems, they get overwhelmed very easily and your loud tone isn't helping.." (haha self insert)


I barely heard what Charlie was saying, I was covering my ears and crying. I saw Sun's eyes go wide as he looked back at me. He released his hands from my shoulders, looking at me and frowning, a little scared. I raised my head up, still shaking a bit. 

-"I- I'm sorry.."

I tried to say more, but it only ended up cut off by sharp breaths in. Sun stopped talking completely, and I finally started to calm down. By the time I had calmed my breathing, Sun had left and sat down at a kiddie table, his rays drooping like a sad dogs ears. I stood up, and Charlie helped me

-"Y/N? Are you alright? I know he's a lot but.."

-"I'm fine, Charlie."

I smiled at him, he didn't seem convinced, but nodded and let go of me as I walked to Sun. He was facing away from me, hugging himself with his rays down and shrunken in a bit. I hesitated, looking back at Charlie, who just have me thumbs ups. I took a deep breath and tapped Sun's shoulder. He looked back at me, looking very sad.

-"h-hey buddy.. I'm sorry about.. earlier.."

Sun just looked back away, seeming guilty. I also began to feel a little guilty. I knew these robots had real emotions and feelings, and I had clearly hurt his. I felt so bad for breaking down in front of him, making it feel like it was his fault.

-"..It's not your fault. I didn't have my guard up, and you just.. Overwhelmed me is all."

-"b-but I don't want you to have your guard up with me! I'm supposed to make everyone feel safe.. And I failed you."

He was a lot more quiet now, keeping his tone low, but still a little loud.

-"Sun, you didn't fail me, you didn't do anything wrong!"

-"I upset you."

I paused, realizing no matter how I would try to lift the blame from him, he was too smart. I sighed, taking my hand off his shoulder. I now noticed that even sitting down, he was still taller than me. I would look forward to working with him, but not if my presence upset him. I simply walked away, leaving the daycare as Charlie followed me.

-"I'm sorry it went like that, Y/N, I'm sure you'll both be on good terms tomorrow when you begin working."

I nodded, as he led me into the locker rooms, showing me where my locker was, the code, and when I unlocked it, I found a uniform. It was half yellow with red stripes, and half midnight blue with yellow glowing stars. It had pants that looked a lot like suns-- almost exactly, except they were half of the midnight blue with stars. There were shoes that looked like Suns as well. Man, I was going to look like a mini him! Are those sun and moon shaped earrings? Good thing I had my ears pierced.

-"Why don't you try it on- Oh shit- The time! We're about to close! Here, try it on tomorrow, we gotta book it to the exit!"

He slammed my locker closed, almost hitting my face, grabbing my arm and running out of the locker room with me. His grip on my arm hurt, why was he in such a hurry to leave? He rushed us to the exit, the metal doors slamming down right as we got out the doors, how was that safe? He finally let go of my arm. There was a red mark on my wrist, man, it was sore. We got in our cars and drove to our homes. I wish I could have stayed longer. I don't want to go home with my family. I can't wait to see Sun again, and to officially start my new job.

(OLD) <COMPLETE> Something Between Us; A Sun/Moon X Y/N StoryWhere stories live. Discover now