Chapter 8 - Nightmare

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1386 words! Yippee!


I woke up, still very sleepy. I looked around. I was no longer in Moon's arms, instead I'm back in the bed in Sun and Moon's room. How long was I asleep? I saw Sun at a small table in the room, working on a drawing. He didn't notice I was awake. I silently yawned.


He didn't respond. He must be really focused.

-"Hey, Sun?"

Still no response.


I got up and walked to him. I peeked over his shoulder at what he was doing. He wasn't doing anything, just staring at a pair of scissors. I put my hand on his shoulder.

-"Sunny? You oka-"

He suddenly grabbed the scissors and swung them into my stomach. I screamed in pain. He looked over at me, his face was torn up, and be had an insane look on his eyes. He laughed maniacally. I stumbled backwards, outside of the curtains. The lights were off in the daycare, I kept going backwards and lost my footing. I fell for what felt like forever, screaming. I suddenly felt someone catch me. I looked up, and saw Moon calmly smiling down at me. At least he looked normal. I hugged onto him.

-"Moon.. Moon help me.. I'm scared.."

I started crying into his chest. He took my hand and rubbed it with his thumb. I suddenly felt something stab into my chest from behind. I looked up at Moon. His face looked just as Suns had. I coughed up blood onto him as he dropped me to the ground. He was holding a knife, and brought it down on me.


Moon's POV

Y/N had been asleep long after the pizzaplex closed, maybe I shouldn't have drugged them. I brought them to mine and Suns room, and sat them on the bed. I sat down on the ground next to the bed, hooking myself up to the charger.

After maybe half an hour, they started stirring, I looked over and scanned them. Their heart rate was increasing, and their breathing was heavy. Another nightmare. They made a small, scared gasp sound. They stirred more, their eyes closing tight.

-"Moon.. Help.."

I looked up at the mention of my name. They were asleep still. What was going on in their nightmare? I took their hand in mine, maybe that would calm them down? They suddenly started screaming. I jumped at the sudden loud noise. I grabbed them and brought them into my lap, gently trying to shake them awake.


I woke up to Moon shaking me gently. I shrieked and pushed myself away from him, backing into a corner. I was physically shaking. Moon came towards me, a concerned look on his face. I shrieked, all I could see was the face I saw in my nightmare. He stopped.


-"Please.. Please don't hurt me.."

My voice trembled.

-"Y/N.. I'm not going to hurt you.. It was just a nightmare.."

He came up to me slowly, pulling me close. I was now in his lap. He gently pet my hair. (If you don't have hair he rubbed your back)

-"See? I'm not going to hurt you."

I slowly nodded, leaning into him.

-"Now.. How about you tell me about your nightmare."

I nodded and tried to calm my breathing. Moon stayed silent, waiting for me to talk. I finally steadied my breathing, and tried to explain what happened the best I could. While explaining, I looked up to him from time to time. Sometimes he looked surprised, others angry. I finally finished talking, and took a deep breath.

(OLD) <COMPLETE> Something Between Us; A Sun/Moon X Y/N StoryWhere stories live. Discover now