Chapter 5 - A 'Chat'

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This chapter contains blood and violence


-"I- What do you mean?"

-"Well... You talk with Sun an awful lot, so I thought I should get a turn."

I tried to back up more, but I was against the wall. He took another menacing step towards me. 

-"What's wrong? Scared!?"

As he said 'scared' his tone got louder, and he lunged towards me a few inches, making me jump and shriek. He laughed again, but it wasn't a happy one, more like he was trying to cover up a different emotion.

-"You're scared of me! Just like everyone else! Well, you should be! I'm the big scary Moon Man!"

There was black liquid leaking from his eyes.. Oil? Tears? I slowly got up, very subtly reaching towards him.

-"I'm just a big evil moon! Run and hide! Turn the lights on to be with your precious Sun who wouldn't hurt a fly!"

His voice was becoming more like it was on our first meeting. I walked towards him, and he suddenly grabbed my arm with such force a tear ran down my cheek.

-"Naughty naughty~ it's past your bedtime!"

What's wrong with this guy? He went from crying to smiling all creepy... Maybe he's shielding himself from being hurt. I didn't know what to do, he seemed so upset just a few seconds ago. What cheers people up? Oh! A hug! Sun always loves hugs, and if Moon is like a second him, he'll like hugs too! Despite the pain in my wrist, I got closer to him and wrapped my other arm around him in a hug. He put his other arm around me too, but I felt a stinging pain in my back that began to run down. He was tearing up my back. I felt the wetness of my own blood run down my back. It hurt so bad. I held onto him harder, biting my lip to keep from screaming. Tears ran down my cheeks.

-"I-its okay, I won't be scared of you any more.."

I don't know how long we stood there as he dug his nails into my back, but the lights eventually came back on. Sun gasped, letting go of me. The back of my shirt was soaking with blood, and there was blood on his hands.

-"Y/N! What happened?!"

-"He looked.. Sad.."

I could barely get the words out, and they were only slightly above a whisper. I saw worry wash across his face, and my vision faded to black.

* * *
I woke up in some sort of hospital. Wait.. A hospital! I can't afford to be here! I sat up quickly, taking a sharp breath in as I felt a burning pain in my back. I sat up the rest of the way much slower. Looking around, this hospital didn't seem very professional, it looked more like a glorified nurses office.

I sighed, laying back on the pillow.


I looked at the door, Charlie was there with a worried expression. He walked up, looking like a worried father.

-"I knew I should have checked on you during nap time.. I was just so busy up with the glamrocks.."

-"Charlie, it's not your fault! You didn't have a choice, you have to handle parts and service as much as I have to handle naptime."

-".. I should probably go let Sun know you're awake."

-"oh- alright, you do that.."

Charlie hesitated before he left the room. I was sitting alone for a while, without a distraction from the pain in my back. Suddenly, the door burst open and Sun practically flew into me, hugging me.


Sun spoke so fast his words merged with each other. I was startled by how fast he had burst into the room. He released the hug, sitting down in the chair next to the bed. His rays were so shrunken that I could barely see the tips of them. There was oil leaking from his eyes just as Moons had.

-"Y/N.. I'm so sorry.. I-"

-"It's okay.."

-"No! It's not okay! I hurt you!"

I cupped his cheek in my hand, making him look at me. I felt him getting hot, maybe all the 'crying' wasn't good for his systems.

-"Sunny, it's not your fault. It was mine, I was the one who went up to him."

He seemed to heat up more, I felt bad for making him cry to the point his systems began heating up. He turned away, whimpering. He paused and his expression went blank for a second, then he looked back at me.

-".. Moon says he's sorry."

What? Moon? How did Sun talk to him? And if Moon was really sorry, why did he continue to sit there and claw my back until the lights came on? If he was really sorry, I wanted to hear it coming from his mouth, not Suns.

-"How am I supposed to believe that?"


-"How do I know your not just saying that, I mean, he sat there and kept clawing my back until the lights came on."

Sun sat there for a second, seeming to think. His face contorted to an expression of fear and dread.

-"He wants to say it to your face."

My eyes widened, I was not expecting that.

-"You must be too scared of him for it though.."

-"No. I told him I wasn't going to be scared of him anymore. And I'm going to make that a promise. I never break my promises."

Sun seemed caught off guard, but reluctantly nodded. We agreed that I would talk to Moon the next nap time, once I was released from the pizzaplex's infirmary, which was in about another week. Sun left, leaving me alone to sit in pain with nothing to distract me from it.

(OLD) <COMPLETE> Something Between Us; A Sun/Moon X Y/N StoryWhere stories live. Discover now