Chapter 41 - Return of an Old Friend

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1011 words

Chapters are gonna be shorter now, I can't keep going with the 1000 words, it makes the chapters drag



When I woke up I was still on the couch with Moon. I looked out the window, it was daytime, but Moon was wearing a hoodie that covered his light sensors. I looked up at Moon, his eyes were closed and he was limp, making those small snoring sounds. I slipped out of his arms and went to bandage up my feet, I put fuzzy socks on so it hurt less to walk around. I stared at the mirror that had the cloth over it. Why couldn't I look? What was so bad about looking in the mirror? I started reaching for the cloth, but someone grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the mirror.

-"Not yet, Y/N."

I turned to face Moon.

-"Why? What's so bad about looking in the mirror? Am I that ugly?"

Moon's eyes widened, and he crouched down to my height, putting his hands on my shoulders.

-"What? No! No... Anything but!"

I frowned, pushing him away from me. I walked away, going back down stairs. I looked out the window, staring into the woods in the distance. I looked down at my arms, which were still covered in bandages. I reached for the end of the bandages on one of my arms, and started unraveling it, but Moon grabbed my wrist.

-"Y/N, please.."

I didn't say anything, and he let go of my wrist, re-wrapping my arm. He took both of my hands, looking me in the eye.

-"Please stop.. We just want what's best for you.."

I nodded, looking away from him. He pulled me onto my feet.

-"I want to show you something."

I raised an eyebrow, looking at him. He led me down to the basement, turning the light on, but he remained as Moon because of the hoodie. I saw a table with a chair at it. On the table was a bunch of tools and mechanical parts. There was also something about two feet tall covered by a cloth. Moon walked over to the table, still pulling me by the hand. He let go of my hand and reached for a remote, then pressed a button. Whatever was under the cloth shifted.

-"Hey, who turned the lights out?"

I tensed up. That voice.. But.. It couldn't be. He was dead. Whatever was under the cloth moved a bit more, and a head popped out. The head of a mini DJ. It tilted it's head, looking around, then it's gaze landed on me, and it grew a wide smile.


I put my hand over my mouth, staring at him. This was completely unbelievable. DJ died in the fire. I saw photos. But, then, how was he right here as this smaller version of himself? DJ's smile wavered and he looked concerned.


I had no idea how to respond. I looked back at Moon, who urged me closer to DJ. I came up and hugged the short robot.

-"I thought.. I thought you were gone.. For good.."

-"I thought so too, but Moon moved my chip to a mini me animatronic!"

I felt tears start to fill my eyes, one of my best friends was back from the freaking dead!

-"Don't I get a thank you?"

I looked over at Moon, who had his hands on his hips and was tapping his foot. I let go of DJ and ran to Moon, hugging him tightly. He ruffled my hair, and hugged me back. Suddenly, my phone began to ring. I pulled away from the hug, grabbing my phone and answering it, going upstairs.


As soon as I finished the call, I heard the basement door open. I set the phone on the counter, looking over. Moon walked over to me with DJ hanging on his shoulder.

-"What was that about?"

-"Oh, you know how I applied for a small job before I went back to working like I used to?"

Moon nodded, raising an eyebrow.

-"Well, that was them! I got the job."

Moon didn't respond, but after a second he ruffled my hair again.


DJ hopped off Moons shoulder and onto the counter as he walked away.

-"So, little friend, how have you been since my little.. Ehem... 'Vacation'..?"

-"To be honest, not good. I can't take these bandages off my body, I can't run for long periods of time without feeling like I'm gonna suffocate, and I can't even look in a goddamn mirror! They won't let me!"

-"Who wont let you?"

-"Sun and Moon!"

DJ seemed uneasy. He glanced over at the stairs, which Moon had gone up a minute ago.

-"I'm sure it's for a good reason.."

-"Good reason like what? So I can't look at myself? Is there something wrong with me?"

-"No! Of course not little friend!"

I sighed, grabbing my phone and putting it in my pocket.

-"Cmon, let's go upstairs, you can have a room and I'll get you a little DJ booth or something once I get steady income."

DJ smiled at that.

-"Sounds great, Y/N! Lead the way!"

He climbed on my shoulder, and I went upstairs. I went to one of the vacant rooms.

-"I can work with this, especially since I'm much smaller now.."

-"Alright, well, I'm gonna be down stairs watching TV if you need me."


And with that, I left DJ to himself. I went downstairs and sat down on the couch, turning the TV on. I heard bells jingling and suddenly Sun jumped at me, hugging me.

-"Good morning- uhm- evening- Sunshine!"

-"Morning, Sunny."

He smiled and looked over at the TV, instantly putting all his attention into what was going on in the cartoon. I smiled and pat his head, but instead of turning my attention to the TV as well, I just watched Sun, he seemed so happy, just sitting down and watching TV. How did I end up with Sun and Moon next to me right now? Did I deserve this?. . .

What did they see in me?



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