Chapter 26 - Suns And Kisses

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1289 words

Couldn't sleep so I'm writing this at.. 12:59 AM Monday, December 2nd

This chapter is filled to the brim with kisses, so fair warning

Was last night a dream? It felt like one.. The only reason I have to believe it wasn't is that I woke up in the same position I feel asleep in, my head against Moons chest. I want to check my phone, but I also want to stay like this. I think Moon is awake as well, because he isn't making those quiet snoring sounds, also the fact he was holding my hand and rubbing it with his thumb. I tried to let him know I was awake by squeezing his hand, but either he thought I was still asleep or he didn't want to let go of me. I much prefered the second possibility. We sat there for what felt like an eternity, a feeling I welcomed, but then my phone alarm went off, causing us both to jump from the sudden noise. I sighed, taking out my phone and turning it off.

-"I don't wanna get up.."

-"Then dont."

-"I have to if I wanna keep my job."

Moon frowned as I got up, stretching. Moon jumped down to the floor as I started climbing down the play structure. He held his arms out, gesturing for me to jump, I hesitated, but he did the motion again more insistently. I jumped and he caught me and was now holding me bridal-style. I was starting to get down from his arms when he pulled me closer and landed a kiss on my forehead.

-"Don't you think your overdoing it?"

-"I'm taking advantage of the fact I can do it now."

I smiled, shaking my head. I jumped down from his arms without a disruption this time. I grabbed my bag and went down to change into my day shift uniform. As I did I saw my dirty uniforms starting to pile back up in my locker. I'd throw them in the wash with the blankets tonight, and hopefully Moon doesn't feel off again. I walked back to the daycare, seeing the lights were back on. I walked in and sat down, looking over my work. Sun was sitting at a table by himself, working on another drawing. I walked over to him.

-"Whatcha doing?"

He looked over at me, then looked away silently, pouting.

-"What's wrong now?"

He didn't say anything. I peered over his shoulder, and he looked over at me again.

-"I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong. I can't read your mind, Sunny."

-"You gave Moon kisses and I haven't gotten any yet."

He grumbled the words, they were almost too hard to hear. I smiled and grabbed his head, tilting it back a bit. I have him a quick kiss on the forehead.

-"Is that better?"

-"A little.."

-"Alright, come here ya big teddy bear."

I pulled his head back more, landing a kiss on the lips. His rays spun and he heated up. I let go of him, his face was a bright red and he was smiling wide. He turned around, pulling me into his lap. I leaned on his chest, and he rested his head on mine, it was more barely hovering over my head though, he must still be worried about my head Injury.

-"I wish we got to spend more time alone, but, every time I'm with you, there's kids around."

Sun nodded, probably feeling the same way. I sighed, we didn't have much longer before the daycare opened. I got up from his lap and headed back to the desk. He was quick to follow me. When I sat down at the desk he leaned over and rested his head on my shoulder, wrapping his arms around my waist as I looked over papers.

-"What are you doing?"

-"Something I've been wanting to do for a long time.."

I smiled, reaching my hand over and ruffling his rays. He smiled back at me warmly. Suddenly, we heard someone fall in the ball pit. Sun frowned, letting go of me and standing up. He put on a flashy smile and skipped over, and the day began.

* * *

I was finishing up my paperwork when a kid came up to me and tugged my sleeve. I looked down, smiling.

-"Need something bud?"

-"We wanna play hide and seek with you again, but Mr. Sun won't come to get you."

-"Oh uh, sure! Lead the way!"

I took the kids hand, and he led me to a group comprised of the same kids I last played hide and seek with, and Sun was with them.

-"I brought Mx. Y/N!"

The other kids looked at me and smiled, when Sun looked over his eyes widened.

-"Friend, I told you not to bother Mx. Y/N!"

The kid looked down, sad and a little ashamed. I picked up the kid.

-"It's okay Sunny, I'm fine!"

Sun frowned, fiddling with the ribbons on his wrists. I set the kid back down and went up to him, taking his hands and smiled up at him.

-"I promise I won't be an idiot again."

-"You're not an idiot-"

-"Mr. Sun is seeking first!"

One of the kids shouted, and all the other kids ran to hide. I gave Sun a peck on the cheek before letting go of his hands and running to hide. I crawled into a play structure, hiding in a corner off it in a spot that gave me multiple chances to run away.

I watched through the walls of the play structure as kids started gathering up after being caught. After a while of waiting, I heard bells, and looked to my left.

-"I'm gonna get ya!"

Sun called to me from the end of the tube. I started crawling the other way, but my knees didn't like crawling, and Sun was way faster than me. I almost made it to the slide when I felt someone grab my ankles, I shrieked as Sun pulled me back towards him. He grabbed my face and started planting an abundance of small kisses all over my face just like Moon did.

-"I got you!"

He continued covering my face in kisses, but then I remembered that the daycare was still open, and I pushed him away. He frowned, worried.


-"Maybe not when the Plex is open.. We don't want weird looks from parents do we?"

-"I guess not.."

He rubbed the back of his neck, looking to the side with a frown.

-"Well, your the last person I needed to find, so let's go back out."

I nodded and followed him out of the structure, he took my hand and we walked back to the group in the middle of the daycare.

-"Mx. Y/N, Mr. Sun, are you two married?"


Both me and Sun went red, letting go of each other's hands.

-"What made you think of that, friend?!"

-"Well, I saw you and Mx. Y/N kissing in the play structure, and my parents said that's something married couples do."

I cursed myself out under my breath. This is exactly what I feared.

-"W-well no.. You don't have to be married to do it.. It's just something adults do, you'll learn when your much older, in a few years."

The kid nodded, running back to play with their friends. Me and Sun didn't say anything to each other on the way back to the group we were playing hide and seek with. We played for the rest of the day until nap time rolled around


Fluff (you'll know why your getting so much of it soon)

(OLD) <COMPLETE> Something Between Us; A Sun/Moon X Y/N StoryWhere stories live. Discover now