Am I home?

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"I come home after a whole year and this is how you guys greet me... just you wait until I lay my hands on each and every one of you" a blindfolded Akshara grumbled with her arms lurching out trying to hang on to someone.

"Akshara don't be a spoilsport" Arohi yelled out of excitement. Her sister had returned after a year and the entire family had gathered along with the Birlas to celebrate.

Upon Akshara's arrival at the Goenka residence, she had immediately been swept in hugs and sweets before a blindfold quickly covered her eyes. The elders had laughed, and Mimi had tried to stop them worrying about Akshara falling but the young ones had shooed them away.

"Who's ridiculous idea was this anyways?" Akshara yelled.

"Mine" Neil laughed giving Vansh a high-five.

"You barely visited us at home, what do you expect madam?" Kairav said tapping Akshara's shoulder. Akshara turned around trying to grab onto his hand and grumbling as she failed miserably.

"Bhaiya not you too please" she sighed irritated by everyone's habits. Laughter filled the halls as Nishta ran around her.

"Sorry Akshu di, you know you're my favourite but you really should have visited us more"

"Nishta meri baby please..." Akshara cribbed frustrated desperately trying to remove the blindfold from over her eyes.

"Oi no cheating" Shefali yelled as she observed with Parth from the corner, both watching in amusement.

"Shef just you wait... just you all wait" Akshara yelled, "you will all be paying for this.. I will make sure of it".

More laughter erupted from everyone as the noise continued to rise. Everyone was so happy to have Akshara back home. After she had decided to move interstate for a year to complete her music degree, they had missed her presence. Akshara brightened the mood wherever she went. Her music followed her along. Without her, there was a certain level of 'quietness' that had been felt. Now that she had returned, the loudness had retuned. It had never felt more complete.

Except one person was missing.

And the second he entered the room, everyone quietened.

Clad in the dark grey suit he'd changed into after a day full of surgeries for his end-of-day meetings. He was exhausted, to say the least but still, he was still him. Handsome as ever.

Akshara who was breathing heavily from all the running around stopped. She clutched her heart as she felt her heartbeats race. The moment slowed down for her as she momentarily forgot what she was doing. She slowly twirled around. Blindfold intact.

But she knew he was here.

Her heartbeats drummed.  A beat only he was familiar with. 

Arohi and Kairav looked at each other in mutual understanding. Kairav looked back at everyone and signaled them to slowly leave the room. They all smiled at the duo in front of them and smiled, Shefali's eyes teared up in happiness. Who hadn't been waiting for this moment?

"Just you wait.. this time Akshu di is really going to become my di" Nishta whispered to Neil. Neil smiled ruffling Nishta's hair. They all wanted this to happen desperately.

Giving them one last look, everyone left.

"Abhi" she whispered softly to herself lips trembling. And he gazed at her across the room. He knew how patiently he'd waited for work to finish. He knew how badly he wanted to race over to the Goenka's to see her. He knew what the last year had been like. Had he had to wait a second later, he felt he may combust.

Growing up, Akshara had bonded with all of the Birlas. They were practically her second family. There was not a memory of her childhood without each and every single one of them. Vacations. Festivals. After-school hang outs. Movie dates. Firsts. Everything had been with the Birlas.

And her first love.

It had inevitably been him.

Her Abhi.

Abhimanyu Birla.

Ironically the only one around whom she could not think straight. She could not act like herself. The one whom she'd always been too shy around to be her daredevil self. She could rant away ten million filmy dialogues to everyone else but in front of him, she simply melted. The one who she would always get nervous around. The one where she felt most vulnerable.

They had an odd bond. He was five years her elder. Her entire life he had been the most popular guy she knew, surrounded by attention from everyone.

She had observed it during school, high school, college, and then even when he graduated and started working as a doctor. It didn't help that his work had landed him working on many high-profile cases and he had befriended celebrities who doted on him. Frequently, he was on the news and invited to events.

But he was a man of few words, he kept his circle small and never let it get to his head. His work ethic and discipline was strong and he valued his privacy. Perhaps that's why he was so incredibly admired by society.

They did not spend much time together or speak much growing up. But their bond was special. Everyone knew. No one could touch Akshara when Abhi was around and seeing her smile meant everything to him. Seeing one tear in her eyes could pierce his heart into a million pieces. She was his weakness.

Even if they both were completely oblivious to each other's feelings.

Everyone else knew.

In the last year, they hadn't spoken, maybe they had caught a couple of glimpses of each other in the background of Facetime calls. Akshara had kept tabs on him by watching all his media interviews and when anyone at her college commented on the famous Dr Abhimanyu Birla, she would grumble and try and pacify her heart that he was hers.

But she didn't know for sure, he was hers, right?

Had he met someone in the past year?

Anxious all of a sudden, still blindfolded she wanted to rush to him.

She stepped forwards towards him not caring what was in the way anymore. He watched her, his forehead creasing, he knew exactly how clumsy his Akshara was. She was his right?

And he was right because the second madam tried to move forward to him in a rush, she lost her balance and felt herself fall forwards.

"Akshara" he yelled, stepping forward instantly waking him from his frozen state. Nothing could happen to her.

She closed her eyes below the blindfold waiting for the impact of her fall to hit her. But it never did. Instead, a strong arm wrapped around her back, holding her stable and bringing her closer to his chest

The other arm wrapped around her front and he brought his hand forward hovering over her eyes. Slowly, he brought her blindfold down. Heartbeats racing. Akshara opened her scrunched-up eyes slowly because she knew where she was.

She was home.

Hope you all enjoy, I'm very new to Wattpad so still navigating this space. Updates will be slow but I'll try and be back with the next one soon. Till then, take care!

N x

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