Day 2 - Thoughts

559 36 14

* It's actually December 2 where I'm from so this is perfectly reasonable
* No ships
* No Warnings
* Just thoughts



That was all I could see, just never ending darkness.

Conscious, yet not at the same time, it was weird. I could think, I could sense... Cold and Warm... But it was mostly cold.

Overwhelming freezing.

What happened? I don't know.

I don't remember how long it has been either, just being in this inky black abyss.

At first, it was scary, and then, it was boring... And then, it was just... Nothing, I don't know what I'm feeling anymore.

Sadness? Happiness? Joy? Pain? Agony? Anger? What were emotions, honestly? Even I don't understand it after a while. I just lost my sense of it, but somehow, I still know which was which... It was weird, something tells me that the reason why, was that I was not used to it. At all.

Have I ever gotten such sensitivity over emotions? I don't know either.

Some time after that, there was the sounds of pitter patter, drops of water hitting the ground, and the... Thing? That I hear nearby, it was near enough, that it was all I could focus on. The noise was nice, it helped ease my raging thoughts.

I was happy, it was the first thing that was new ever since I gained consciousness and found myself inside this pitch black space. It then ended up as one of the things I would look forward to, as it meant that I could hear... And not suffer in silence like I used to.

Though as fun as that was, eventually, the sound came to a stop. The silence was back, it was there again... I dislike it...

The silence was maddening.

It was... Uncomfortable, disturbing, unbearable... Confining.

Ever since then, I trained myself to hear, further and further. Try my best to increase the area of which I can hear. I continued to do so until I heard the beautiful sound of... I think it was chirping?

I don't remember much, it's been a while. But the chirping sounds from above was soothing, comforting.

Afterwards, I could then also hear the rustling of... Leaves, was the word? Probably. It was also nice. The sounds of nature was amazing, it helped soothe me, despite the sound being so, very, faint.

It continued on like that for a while, until there was silence again. What happened? I don't know either, all I could still see was darkness... Which is where I am now, amidst the silence once more...

I wish I could hear something again. I don't like the silence... It was freaky, it was scary, it drives me mad, I don't like it.

But then, I heard something. I can't describe the sound, as it was... New. To me. But I still heard it. With my heightened hearing, I was also able to hear... Water? Or something like some icky, watery substance sloshing together.

Even if the noise was weird, it's something new, something I've never heard before... But there was also a sense of familiarity from that as well. Familiar? I've never felt that before... Why was the noise... Familiar? Why do I know what the word means?

I'm pretty sure I don't have any memories, at all... But then, if I don't, how do I know all of these words?

Confusing, all is so confusing... As I pondered, the sound of steps began, stip stepping closer, the sound of something connecting to the ground, and leaving repeatedly.

Whatever's making that sound, it was an organic being, it was walking... It was walking towards my direction. But it also feels like it was far as well, it was weird...

Suddenly, the steps stopped. The cold was back, it was freezing even more. The cold was... Scary, it was scary, it's excruciating- it hurts! The cold hurts- I want it gone! It was all I could feel right now- all that I could sense- It hurts! It hurts it hurts it hurts-

"Oh brother..." A sound!

And just like that, my pain suddenly stopped as I focused on the sound- the voice? Who was brother- what is a brother? "I'm sorry..." The voice was deep, like a dark, stormy thunder coming in to sweep us all away. It was also icy cold.

But what confused me at all, was that, the voice was familiar... I don't understand why it was familiar, but it just is.

"Tch... What's the point, you probably don't even hear what I'm saying." No, No I can hear- I can hear you loud and clear! Though I don't know who you are... Or I don't know if I'll even be able to send a sign that I could hear, but I can. "In any case... I'm still... Sorry... I'll come back soon, Dream..." The voice spoke, before the steps started, and began to fade.

Sorry? Why was that being sorry? Sorry to who...?  Don't understand, really.

It was nice, to hear something again but... I want that being back. I never realized how lonely it was, to be here, all by myself... That probably explains why I was so happy to hear something new again.

But still... I don't understand- I doubt I can even understand anyways... Why was that being sorry? Who was that being... Why were they familiar? And... Who's Dream?

Why was that name familiar... Why do I know that it was a name?

Either way... I heard that he said that he's coming back, hopefully soon. I'm really lonely here...

I'll look forward to the next visit however... Maybe find out more of where am I as well... I want out of this dark abyss soon, after all...

But for now, all I could do, is dwell in my own thoughts once more.

˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣

* And done!
* I decided to try and practice internal monologuing, hopefully I did okay? XD
* This isn't really technically angst, but it isn't fluff either, really just more so a thoughts of a child in stone...
* Poor Dream lmao
* Hope you guys enjoyed <3

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