Day 30 - Comfort through Company

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* Insomnia, because it's comfort ship
* VOID ending warning
* Yeah uhm... This idea was like, back in April lmao


In a Multiverse where an unfortunate Guardian's love gets broken repeatedly by the same, stupid skeleton. He wanted to escape the loveless relationship he ended up staying in with his desperate need for affection... Just... How could he?

"How many times are we gonna have this fight, Ink?! How many times?!" Tears stained the face of the positive Guardian as his hands shook by him. "Tch, I don't get it Dream! Why do you keep making a big deal out of this?!" "BECAUSE THIS IS THE FIFTH TIME YOU'VE BEEN CHEATING ON ME INK! THIS IS THE FIFTH TIME!" Dream screamed, more tears flowing from his eyesockets, surprising Ink.

"W-Well- I can't just keep staying with you, Dream! I just- You know I don't have a SOUL and-" "That's it. That's the god damn fucking-" Dream then choked on a sob. "I'm done, Ink. I'm DONE!" Dream yelled, taking a step back.

"SOUL this, SOUL that- I WAS THE ONLY PERSON WHO KEPT STAYING BY YOU, EVEN WITHOUT A SOUL, INK!" Dream screamed at Ink, glaring at the artist. "Not Error, Not my brother, CERTAINLY NOT LUST- ME! I KEEP FORGIVING YOU, OVER AND OVER AND OVER!" Dream yelled before wiping his eyesockets. "I- I'm done Ink. I'm through with you- I'VE HAD IT WITH YOU!" Dream screamed, backing up more and Ink's eyesockets.

"W-Wait- Dream! Please don't step any closer!" Ink yelped, eyelights a red exclamation point and a dark blue tear drop. "FUCK YOU INK!" Dream yelled before letting himself fall. "No- DREAM!" Dream didn't care, not anymore... This was too much... On top of the constant cheating, Ink would also take out his anger on him with fights... He masks it as Spars, but Dream just... Knew, that Ink was taking it out on him...

Then there's the times where Ink would just leave him alone, hours on end, completely forgetting that he has a fiance to maintain... Dream then took off his gloves, staring at the ring on his hand. Fiance... Fuck that shit. He then took it off and threw it off, watching as it disintegrated in an instant. Good riddance...

As he fell, he couldn't help but think of all the other things that has happened. It wasn't his fault that he was naive, it wasn't his fault that he wasn't able to grow up properly because of him being in stone, and it certainly wasn't his fault that he only merely wanted to get his brother back. Not even being told that he can never do it anymore, for his brother is no more. He realized that long ago... But now, he has no reason to stay.

Dream puts his glove back on before curling up, now just quietly sobbing. Fuck this Multiverse...

Somewhere, In another Multiverse, not far from the one where Dream fell from, a skeleton was also suffering from the same, unfortunate, circumstance. Having not only their love, but also trust broken. They were betrayed when the one he loved the most turned on him and sided with that foolish creator.

Has he forgotten about the balance? Has he ever cared- did they ever cared?

As he gazed at the crowd with his back to the comforting calls of the VOID, he couldn't help but think, no, they never did.

"NiGhTmArE... hOw CoUlD yOu?" Error choked out, staring at the cold eyesocket of what he once used to see as a lover, as his best friend... What used to be his...

"How could I? HOW COULD YOU?!" Nightmare screamed, enraged. "HOW COULD YOU BE USING ME BEHIND YOUR BACK- YOU- YOU LED ME TO BELIEVE THAT WHAT WE HAD WAS TRUE!" "BuT iT wAs TrUe NiGhTmArE! oUr ReLaTiOnShIp Is GeNuInE- i ThOuGhT iT wAs GeNuInE!" Error screamed back at the other, tears flowing from his eyesockets and Nightmare growled. That wretched destroyer- he's emitting negativity on purpose- he wants him to feel bad!

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