Day 4 - Games

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* Mentions of Insomnia at the end
* No warnings
* The stars encounter Dream's gaming conundrum
* I've been inspired lately so... Yeah


"Come on! Just one more game!" "No Dream! You've been playing for too long! You need to eat!"


"Hi, you might be wondering what's happening right now. Allow me to explain.
See, Dream here has been playing games ever since he found out the existence of it. Of course, when this happened, he was still able to function normally... That was, until he got this VR game from someone, Dream wouldn't elaborate who, but ever since then, he's been addicted ever since.
As his best friend, I am sad to say-"

"Ink stop talking to the damn readers and help me!"

"Okay okay! How about we try calling Nightmare then?!"

"And you're seriously gonna let the boss of the Moon Sanses into our home?! No way! supposed to be enemies Ink!"

"I can just make a new base afterwards!"

"You'd forget about making one after he's here anyways!"

"Well what else can we do?! Dream's refusing to take a break!"

"Let me gooo! I need to finish this quest- I'm so close damn it!"

"Dream stop this boondoggling and just rest for once!"



"What are we gonna do? He's still refusing to stop." Blue said as he watched Dream enter from a portal and quickly carry some kind of box into his room. Ink frowning a bit. "I don't know, but without him. We're getting our asses kicked by the Moon Sanses... At least the Destroyer is silent so that's a plus." "I guess... But he's too silent..." Blue frowned and Ink sighed. "Well, there's not much we can do but prepare for the next battle... And hopefully, Dream joins us next." "Yeah..." Blue murmured as Ink then entered the room. Another day of trying to get Dream to take a break, hopefully not failing this time.

Suddenly, Dream began to scream bloody murder and Blue jolted a bit before rushing into Dream's room in shock. There, he saw that Ink had forcefully shut off the console, and had tied Dream up.

"No Dream! You need to rest!"

"Damn you Ink! I was in the middle of a battle! My support needs me!"

"Your support can make do without you!"

"Noooo! Let me go- I have to finish the bosss!"

"No Dream, you're resting and that's final!"

"You're not my mom!"

"I may as well be!"

Blue stared at the two before slowly sighing, rubbing his nasal bone before tiredly turning to the viewers. "Is this what it feels like to have rebellious teenagers...? Damn." Blue murmured before glancing back at Dream, who was still arguing with Ink. Will this ever end...?


Dream glanced left, then right, before he then closed and locked the door, using magic to sound proof his walls and then walking towards his VR set, grinning.

Good, no one's awake, it's been a couple of hours since Ink forced his computer to shut down, which was annoying because it meant that he missed out on some stuff... Hopefully his support could help him out.

Booting up the console he's using, and putting on his VR set. Casting his magic on another gadget and encasing himself in a box using it, this should let him run freely while staying in one place... Or so the package says. Just using his magic as power basically. Damn, technology's great!

Dream then nodded to himself before logging on. Immediately, he was greeted with a bright white light, and he immediately squealed in glee. He's back!

"Welcome back." He then turned towards the source of the voice, and saw an androgynous looking high elf. "Hi hi Misca!" Dream cheered excitedly and Misca grinned a bit. "Finally managed to get back in huh?" "Yeah, Melokinesis and Monocolor were such a handful, kept trying to make me stop playing... Which worked, but damn, we were so close to defeating the boss." Dream scoffed angrily and Misca chuckled.

"Sooo~ Lusive, after a bit of struggling, I managed to defeat the boss... And here's the loots you missed." Misca then showed Dream, or known as Lusive, a bunch of screenshots. "Damn, those loots look awesome..."

"It was! Unfortunately that you ended up having to leave though."

"I didn't even leave on purpose, Melokinesis forced my console to shut off!"

"That sucks..."


Lusive was definitely pissed, even doing the angry emote. "Anyways, since I'm back, we should level up some more again! Queestiiing!" Lusive exclaimed, raising his staff into the air and Misca laughed a bit. "Well, only you. I'm still just your support... Or well, your overpowered support." Lusive grinned and Elusive giggled.

"Don't you think that it's kinda funny how like... You're the Destroyer, but you main support, and I'm a Guardian of Positivity, and I main a offense." Lusive commented, glancing at Misca, who then chuckled a bit. "Definitely... Especially with the fact that you're actually more battle hungry than me in the game... Then again, I've raised my level too much that I'm on my way to becoming a powerful mage." Misca commented and Lusive nodded.

"Oh hey! There's a quest board over there! Come on!" Misca then rushed towards the quest board and Lusive grinned. "Wait up!" Lusive exclaimed, rushing after Misca.

Ah, if only he could keep doing this... But then Melokinesis and Monocolor would just end up maybe scolding him, and even breaking his game once they find out that he's affiliated with the destroyer... Glancing forward, he couldn't help but smile at the positivity he could feel radiating from Misca. "Lusive!" "Yeah?" "Did you know that you can marry other players in this game?" "Holy shit- Does that mean I can marry you?!" Lusive exclaimed excitedly and Misca chuckled. "Well, we're already boyfriends, why the heck not." "Yas!"

Yes... He wants this to continue forever. Even if it's just in the game, Reveradel Online.

˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣

* Whoops, I ended up getting a bit carried away here lmao
* I'd want to make this into an actual book but like, I'm lazy so... Yeah
* But hey, it's a nice thought.
* Also, I don't know if I made my inspiration obvious or not, but have fun guessing if you will xD
* Hope you guys enjoyed!

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