Day 16 - Secret Arsonist

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* No Ships
* You'd think by now, that I would've learned not to play woth fire if I don't wanna get burnt but
* I'm a Pyromaniac and your veins are full of gas burning higher, higher, I'm starting this Wildfire~
* Yes, we need more arsonist Dream u.u


Waking up, the first thing Dream noticed was that he was now in what seems to be the remains of the village, looking around, he then shakily tried to stand, but yelped when he ended up falling backwards and hissing. It... Felt like he was inside a long nap. A very, very long one... What happened exactly?

All he remembers was... He was trying to protect his brother, then screaming... He saw his brother having tentacles brutally portruding from his back, it looked... Painful. His brother ate all the apples afterwards last he remembered... And went on a rampage. It was beautiful, honestly.

The carnage, the villagers finally being gone... It was amazing.

He then glanced down and noticed bits off stone on the ground. He then scrunched his nose up before trying to slowly get up again, but yelping when he fell once more. Damn it! He then tried to go on all fours and it seemed to work for now. He then squinted his eyesockets, looking around before slowly walking, stumbling a bit before he then continued to crawl towards the fountain, using it as leverage to get up, he then slowly pushed himself up and breathed out.

Dream then glanced behind him to see more of the stone things, figured that he turned to stone probably... But dang. He then shakily sat on the edge of the dirty fountain and then groaned childishly. How is he meant to be able to explore the new environment when he can't walk?!

Though he gotta admit, the greenery growing around the village is nice and pretty, this should be what the village like, enviroment friendly! And no villagers! Yay! Though he's gonna miss Mr. Library Villager. He was one of the nice ones.

Steeling his resolve, he then tried to walk again on his own before yelping and falling forward. As he did so, some kind of staff with stars on the end was summoned. He glanced at it in surprise before he quickly used it to stand and grinning. Ha! It worked! But what the hell is this staff?

Is it like some sort of weapon? From the looks of it, probably... But why a staff? Eh, doesn't matter... He then just used his staff as a support for a while until he got the hang of walking again. Damn, he feels old from that long nap and he's only 16! Stars...

He then began to slowly walk without the staff now and grinned widely when he could. Yes! Success! He was quick to adjust surprisingly, and it was really really nice. He then stuck his tongue out a bit, focusing on walking more before slowly starting to jog. He stumbled a bit, but that was fine, he's able to move his legs finally! He should start sprinting too... And he did. It was the hest feeling ever! Running across the ancient village ruins with the fresh air was so amazing!

Eventually, he came to a stop when he ended up coming to the remains of the tree. Huh... The poor tree... His poor mother... Honestly, he would've set fire to the tree a long time ago simply because of their mother, but then they'd lose shelter, and he'd rather not have him and his brother live in the village. Ugh... Mother...

He wonders if he could learn pyrokinesis. That would be really cool. Fire magic! Hell yeah!

Alas, that would be impossible... But maybe...

He then grabbed a stick, he'd try setting the staff on fire, but it's his weapon so he probably shouldn't... So the stick would do. He then stared at the stick, glaring at it. Fire... Fire... Come on, set on fire already! Damn it... Maybe he has to imagine it?

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