Day 12 - Favorite Puppet

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* Mentions of Insomnia
* FGoD thing where you jump into the VOID warning, and very minor mention of suicide via it
* This took too long I'm sorry


Staring at the space around, one could describe it as beautiful, while most would describe it as disastrous. Dream then stared at crumbling Multiverse in front and around them, the best view being in Outertale, unsurprisingly. Looking down at the crumbling ground beneath him, the floor was slowly getting eaten away, pixel by pixel.

It really was outstanding really, he never knew that the end of the Multiverse would look this lovely... The falling debri in the background, the mixing of all the AUs now in an attempt to stay together, but failing miserably, every AU had been attracted towards Outertale, so every single AUs can be seen in such large, glitching portals everywhere.

There was so many Monsters and Humans panicking and running around, trying to save themselves as much as possible, but it only ending up for naught. He could feel the fake emotions of the Ink of this Multiverse trying his best to save the AUs, but again, nothing was happening.

For another reason why the Multiverse was crumbling, was because the Deity in Charge has abandoned them now. So there was no more desperate attempts to keep the Multiverse together. What a sad reality that they live in, really...

Dream then looked up when he heard footsteps, the emotion of concern, annoyance and fear, he could sense from behind him. "D-Dream...?" A shaky voice, and Dream turned around, seeing the fearful and concerned look of his... Once...? Best friend, Blue. There, he could also see his used to be brother and his gang. Then, there was also Reaper and Fresh... Right, if he remembered correctly, they were Error's friends... Then there's... Ink.

"Hello again." Dream just gave a gentle smile and Blue began to tear up. "D-Dream I-" "Shh, it's alright." Dream said softly and Blue sniffled. When Error had finally decided to end it all, jumping into the VOID, Blue had left him and Ink... Dream could remember how devastated he was, especially since Blue was his friend...

He wasn't able to tell Blue in time what his true plans were... What... Error's plans were. But it was alright. "I never harbored any grudges against you, you were mad." Dream smiled gently at Blue, who then shakily nodded. "What... Are you doing here, Dream?" Ink asked, staring behind Dream. "And so close to the edge." Ink nervously added and Dream glanced at him.

"Surprising." Dream suddenly said, making Ink glance at him in confusion. "You suddenly cared about me, after leaving me to rot to prioritize all of those dumb AUs that you caused to fall." Dream was still smiling, though the smile was tight, showing how he's a bit pissed.

Ink blinked in surprise. "Wh-" "I stood in the same AU you left me in, for days." Dream smiled wider. "It was an AU filled with negativity, I couldn't get out." Dream then began to walk towards Ink, who was staring in shock.

"You're more SOULless than the Destroyer, Ink." Dream spoke and Ink began to back away. "I should've expected it though... You never had a SOUL to begin with." Dream then lifted Ink up by his neck, then suddenly throwing him away, Ink crying out as he was flung away towards another AU, gasping as he hit a tree.

"Truth me told, I was never by your side anyways." Dream spoke, walking back to where he was from, ignoring the shocked stares of the Night Sanses, Reaper, Fresh and Blue.

"What do you mean...?" This time, it was Reaper who had asked. Dream then stopped by the ledge, staring down at it for a while before smiling. "Don't you think it's beautiful? The crumbling AUs, the disappearing pixels, rendering that the Multiverse has finally reached it's end... The destruction of it all." Dream hummed, glancing towards the rest. "The fuck do you mean?! The destruction of the Multiverse is NOT beautiful! The Multiverse is ceasing to exist!" An angry sans shouted and Dream chuckled.

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