Day 19 - Darkness

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* Sorta mentions of Insomnia?
* Mentions of Abuse
* A bit of bandages to heal from last chapter? UwU?


"Good morning, sleep well?" "Huh...?" Waking up, Dream could only see darkness still. What... What happened...? Dream then shakily sat up before wincing, feeling a really big... Thing... Wrapped around him. He couldn't tell, everything was dark, but it seems to be a blanket. "Wh... huh...?" Dream then cried out a bit once the stinging pain in his eyesockets appeared, then he remembered everything that happened before having passed out.

"I- Wh- Where- Who-" "Relax a bit, you're safe now... And as for who I am, It's Error." The voice- Error, spoke and Dream's eyesockets....? Widened. Is he- Is he really...? Is he really safe? He then began to cry again, not really paying attention that it was Error. Safe... Is- Is he really safe? He- he was safe- "Dream... I know you're kinda like... Panicking right now, but I need to ask you something important." Error spoke and Dream then tried to look at the direction of Error's voice, but... Couldn't. It was still dark- he'll... He'll have to rely on his hearing again. Like... All those years ago... Forgotten memories of the past that he wanted to forget...

"Wh-What is- is it...?" Dream sniffled, still crying. Both from the fact that he's safe now, and that he was still feeling pain... Even if it is some kind of buzzing, it still hurt... His eyesockets still hurt- his face hurt- everywhere hurts. But... Somehow, the blanket seems to be numbing the pain down, as he could feel the power from it.

"Considering Ink's looking for you right now as we speak, I need to know. Do you want to stay here, in the Anti-VOID, or do you want to stay at your brother's, Nightmare?" Error asked seriously and Dream sniffled, fear welling up in him. Ink... Is looking for him? No- no he- he doesn't want to be anywhere near him, he doesn't want to!

"No! I- I d-d-don't- I don't want to b-be near Ink pl-please I-I-" Dream gasped a bit before choking on a sob, jumping a bit when he felt pressure on his shoulder. "Dream, you're not gonna be anywhere near Ink, not anymore, not for until you're comfortable, alright?" Error spoke softly, and in a careful tone, it was also clear that Error wasn't used to all of this comfort stuff still, but is trying his best. Dream choked on a sob, shakily nodding. "O-Okay..."

"Now... Do you want to stay here, with me, in the Anti-VOID, or with your brother, Nightmare's?" Error softly asked and Dream sniffled, choices... He... He wants to stay with- with his brother's b-but... But his brother might... Not... "H-Here- I want... To s-stay here..." Dream sniffled a bit and Error hummed. "Alright... I'll go and tell your brother that-" "NO!" Dream suddenly yelped.

"P-Please don't tell my brother where I am- I- I don't- I don't want him to come after me- I d-don't... I don't want him to find me- pl-please... N-never tell my brother where I am!" Dream cried, curling up and hugging the blanket more to himself, sobbing more now. There was silence now, asides from Dream's sobs, before a hum resounded.

"Alright Dream... I'll do it." Error spoke softly and Dream shakily nodded. "Th-Tha-ank you..." Dream cried quietly. "Of course..."


"E-Error...?" Dream murmured softly, shakily looking around. "Yes?" Error asked, currently just trying to crochet something now... One of the Chara's requested for it after all. "I... I still can-can't see..." Dream shakily murmured and Error glanced at Dream, only to realize that he was holding the bandages in his hands now.

Error frowned a bit, damn it Dream! He spent a fucking long time wrapping that! Especially over that gaping hole on Dream's skull! "Well, I'm sorry to say this Dream, but you're legally blind now." Error sighed and Dream froze at that. "W-Wha-at...?""You have a huge hole on your skull, that's like, still bleeding. You also have a lot of cracks, and in serious need of healing right now, which is why you have the blanket I made wrapped around you. You also have a lot of bruises and wounds as well." Error frowned, getting up and walking towards Dream.

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