Day 3 - Scenery

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* No ships
* No Warning
* Talk about a change of Scenery lmao


"So... This is where I was..." I looked around curiously, only to see the devastating remains of what seems to be a darkened land, and a battlefield. There was a couple of weapons that were stuck to the ground, and a bunch of red liquid and dust piling up.

Looking down at myself, I saw that I was sitting on a withered patch of grass, with what seems to be moss and algae all around, as well as flowers and such. Closing my eye...sockets? The sound of nature was louder, more prominent and clearer. It wasn't as muffled anymore... It was refreshing, breathtaking. I'm...

I'm finally free...

Opening my eyesockets, there was colors everywhere. Sights I don't really remember, but feels familiar to me, and new, yet also old, experiences flowing through me. I find myself smiling happily in excitement, especially since I was finally gone from that abyss!

That black, inky abyss where I stood for centuries!



What was centuries again...

I don't know, but being out, the time made itself known to me, that I've been in there for centuries... For how long, I am unsure.

I then glanced down at my hands, opening and closing it. It felt stiff, and I felt weak... So weak, but there's not much I can do. I have stood, unmoving, for a long time after all.

I then began to try and move my arms so I can get used to it, stretching it away from my body, and bringing it forward again. It was weird- it felt weird... I don't know why it was like that, but it just was.

But still, I'm just happy that I'm out of there, I can hear well, I can see! I can smell, even if the scent was metallic with all the dried blood, but still! New sensations!

It was overwhelming.

Still though, remembering from what had happened during my time in that prison of darkness, I tried to think back to all of what the voice has said to me... I can barely remember much though, as it felt like I was in a dreamlike-state


Dream! That was my name, Dream! The voice called me Dream, so it must be my name. Right... My name's Dream, I'm the Guardian of Positivity, as what the voice has said, and I had... I... Had... A family...? Was it?

Do I have a family? I don't remember, it was hard to remember, it's been ages- years. It's been years, since I last heard anything after that.

I then pushed the rest of the stoney shell off of me, my movements still so stiff from being encaged in that... Thing, for so long. Whatever that was... From the looks of it, my prison was a stone statue, as it was perfectly shaped into my form. It was weird- it was cruel, whoever had locked me up in there was very cruel... I didn't want to be in there, alone, suffering...

I remember asking myself, over and over, what did I ever do to deserve this? What had I done to be locked up in this cold, dark prison? With no way out? The question was never answered, even by the voice.

I had... I had wanted to... Be good? Nice? What had I wanted back then? I don't know, I don't remember. Everything was fuzzy, ever since I was inside that stone statue.

Well, whatever it was, I'll hopefully remember later... I then moved and tried to push myself up to stand, but yelped as I ended up falling back. My legs felt so weak... They're called legs? Huh... I then looked forward and saw a stump, a stump of a tree. It feels like it was important, but I also felt betrayed by it... I don't remember why. Shakily pushing myself up once more, I then began to crawl towards the stump, maybe I can use it to help myself up... That sounds nice.

I then placed my hand on the flat bark and pushed myself up, feeling my knees wobbling,  it was fine, my body still felt stiff, yet jelly-like, but it's fine. I'll get through this... Just a bit of practice, then I can move around again...

Honestly, just being out was already nice enough, the chirping of the birds, the whistling of the wind and the rustling of the leaves and grass... It felt amazing, enchanting.

Despite the dreary atmosphere, I enjoyed it a lot. I then pushed myself to sit in the bark instead, looking forwards, then looking around at the vast area. I don't know why this place was familiar honestly, but I'm sure I can explore around once I can walk again... And hopefully discover who I am.

Just by name and by title isn't enough after all... I need to know my past, and why... Why I feel so guilty and betrayed... Shaking my skull, I then steeling my resolve. This was only the first day of my reawakening, there's still more days to come after all!

And hopefully, I get to meet the voice who keeps speaking to me, find out why it was so familiar, and ask what he knows of my past... Hopefully.

Smiling a bit, I then leaned back to relax myself. I should enjoy the scenery for a while before I do anything, as I don't know how long it would take me until I experience such beauty again...

After all, I have a feeling that this would end soon for me, so I shall enjoy it while it lasts.

˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣

* Aaaand Cut!
* A part 2 for Day 2 because I couldn't help myself
* I got inspired by the last chapter after all lmao
* Do you guys think he'll regain his memory or nah?
* Anygays, hope y'all enjoyed this chappie ^^

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