Day 23 - Wish

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* No ships
* Mentions of Death
* Now I know my heart is a ghost town~


"Tell me why we're here again?" Blue whispered sheepishly, clinging to Dust and Ink at the same time as they slowly walked through what seems to be a barren old ruins that once used to be a town. "Because Boss said we need to claim any abandoned AUs and rebuild a home because someone blew up the old one. And Error might throw a hissy fit if Ink tries to make an AU." Dust huffed. "Also get off me, you smell like soap."

"I thought he smelled like blueberry muffins." Horror commented, walking with them before looking behind himself. "Boss, you don't look too good." Horror commented worriedly, seeing Nightmare grumble and shake his skull.

"I'm fine, I'm just fucking pissed that we have to go through here." Nightmare glared around his surroundings and Ink blinked. "Ohh... Right- I forgot. This was your old AU." "Wait- really?!" Killer gasped, now looking around with more excitement. "Daaamn Boss! This place looks ruined to bits!" Killer exclaimed.

"Of course it is, I was the reason why this place is even in ruins..." Nightmare sighed. "Ink fucking knows this, yet still decides that we should look for a suitable area here anyways." "I do?" "Fucking Squid!" Nightmare growled, getting more agitated and Dust just sighs.

Suddenly, the noise of faint footsteps pattering on the floor was heard and the entire group stopped, Blue squealing a bit and clinging more to Dust and Ink. "Wh-What was that?!" "If I had known that you're such a scaredy cat, I would've left you behind." Dust grumbled under his breath, quite annoyed.

"Huh... There's someone still here?" Ink asked, watching as Nightmare's tentacles sharpened and raised. "That's impossible. I killed every single living being in this ruined village." Nightmare frowned, now quite on guard, the gang, seeing that Nightmare went on guard, did the same as well.

"Damn, I wish we had Crossy with us." Killer whined a bit, as Crossy was hanging out with Error as of now, something about some sort of bonding. Ink then summoned his brush and Blue hesitantly lets go of Dust and Ink in favor of summoning his bones. A royal guard must still fight if scared after all!

They then heard the pattering of faint footsteps again and they turned towards the direction, now quite tense. "We can hear you! Show yourself!" Dust called, looking around with squinted eyesockets before yelping as suddenly, some weird ghostly things began to appear and shot to the sky. Blue letting out a scream of shock and fear at that.

"Wait- look!" Killer pointed upwards and they all turned to look, seeing that they all seem to be heading to one direction. "Oooh let's follow it!" Ink exclaimed, quickly darting after the ghosts. "H-How about we don't- Ink!" Blue yelped while Nightmare sighed. "Might as well, as this never happened before." Nightmare grumbled, following after the artist.

"Ight Boss!" Killer cheered as he then quickly followed with Dust and Horror in tow. "Guuuys!" Blue whined, but quickly rushed after anyways, not wanting to be left behind and clinging to Dust afterwards.

Eventually, they seem to have reached the center of a square, where a tree stump lay, and a stone statue stood in the middle, hand outstretched for something that wasn't even there from the looks of it, a tearful blank look with his mouth opened in a silent scream, or a silent plea. Nightmare felt his marrow freeze at that, especially with the familiarity of the statue.

"Wooaahh... Cool Statue!" Killer exclaimed while Ink whistled, noice!

They then noticed that the SOULs seem to be circulating around the statue too before entering it. Suddenly, a voice boomed around the area. "Greetings, Sanses." It was... A foreign voice, making everyone but Nightmare flinch. Nightmare was also confused, why had those... Ghost things... Enter the statue?

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