Day 11 - Bunnies

359 32 10

* Insomnia
* No warnings
* Floof :D


"Boys, Fall back!" Nightmare shouted in alarm once Ink had managed to hit Dust and Killer with his acidic paint, causing the boys to cry out in pain. "Cross, Horror, pick them up!" Nightmare yelled while Error then scowled lightly, how dare Ink!

"I'll buy you guys time, go." Error spoke and Nightmare nodded, opening a portal. "Goodluck." Nightmare curtly nodded at Error, who nodded back. "OH NO YOU DON'T-" Ink attempted to attack again, but yelped when Error's strings wrapped around his leg and was thrown towards Blue. Blue lets out a small oof when Ink collided with him. "Damn it!" Ink yelled while Error flinched a bit, looking apologetically at Blue while Dream notched an arrow on his  bow, hiding a giggle at that.

Error then quickly dodged the onslaught of arrows when Ink scowled. Error then quickly managed to delete the AU after one last kill and Ink hissed. "Damn it- we gotta retreat!" Ink yelled, painting a portal and Blue nodded. Ink then went in and Blue turned around, glancing at Error and moving to follow when he heard a cry of surprise.

Turning sharply, he saw strings having wrapped around Dream and Blue's eyesocket widened. "Dream-!" But before he could even react, Dream and Error were already gone. Blue was just standing in shock, yet somehow, it was familiar... Especially since it happened with him... He's... Hopefully Error knows what he's doing... He then entered the portal.

"Blue, where's Dream?" Ink asked afterwards when Dream didn't show up. "Probably recovering in another AU." Blue lied smoothly and Ink blinked. "Oh! Ok!" Ink chirped and left while Blue sighed in relief. "I'm gonna go explore around..." "Alright Blue! Wish you luck!" "Thanks!"

Blue then quickly left afterwards, heading for Nightmare's castle.


"Couldn't you just have waited?" Dream couldn't help but laugh  bit once he untangled himself out of Error's strings. "No, I wanted to see the animals ASAP!" Error exclaimed happily and Dream laughed a bit. "Fair... They do provide comfort." Dream smiled a bit while Error then lightly tugged on Dream's glove. "C'mon! Didn't you say you rescued a batch of bunnies yesterday?" Error asked excitedly and Dream nodded. "Yep." "Let's go then! I wanna see!" "Okay okay!" Dream laughed a bit and began to lead Error.

It has been a couple of... Months? Years? Time moved so differently in this pocket space ever since Error has appeared. Speaking of which, since that has happened, things had been a lot more lively now, and less... Lonely.

Sure, he got the animals with him, and plenty in fact! But like... Having contact with an actual person is also nice. And Error's company has improved the animals' health too, especially since the destroyer was actually taking his time to take care of the animals, which meant that the healing process was twice as fast, and that he could prevent more fights whenever the rare chance of it happening happens.

"Say... Dream... How has your brother never found this pocket space?" Error couldn't help but ask, moving and crouching himself very low, making sure that the bunnies don't see him as a predator. Dream then doing the same.

"It's because there's a positivity dome around this place that makes it harder for my brother to get inside. Sure, it's not powerful but... He usually ignores highly positive AU, or AUs that has my aura all over because he knows that I'll be alerted if he ever enters." Dream explained and Error slowly nodded.

"I see... Is that how you always tend to arrive first in positive AUs whenever I destroy?" Error asked and Dream nods, the two getting up and just feeding the bunnies now.

"That's cool... Which makes me remember, I was very shocked when I found out that you actually knew of your balance with Nightmare." Error sheepishly laughed and Dream glanced at him before giggling a bit.

"Yeah... I've always been aware of the Positivity and Negativity balance... As well as Life and Death... I just... Never took it into consideration that there's also a Destruction and Creaton balance." Dream hummed in thought and Error nodded.

"Well, it is understandable... Who would even think that the Multiverse has limits really..." "Yeah..." Dream murmured softly, smiling gently and Error hummed in thought. "Hey Dream..." "Yeah?" Error was silent for a bit as Dream glanced at Error, before Error just smiled a bit and shook his skull. "Nothing..."

"Come on... Tell me." Dream giggled softly, scooting closer towards Error, seeing Error blushing a bit. Dream just smiling more. "Well... I'm just... Reallly happy, y'know..." Error hummed, glancing at Dream and smiling.

"I... Never thought I'd find happiness after such a long battle... Sure... I already got it from Nightmare and our little broken gang but..." Error looked down, blushing more and twiddling with his fingers. "I just... Never really expected to... Even be in a relationship too, y'know..." Error mumbled shyly and Dream chuckled softly.

"Honestly, neither did I..." Dream then adjusted himself as the bunny hopped away from him. Error staring down at Dream before adjusting himself and slowly putting his skull on Dream's lap. Dream glancing down at Error, smiling more.

"Especially with the destroyer of all people, my sworn enemy, y'know..." Dream murmured, nervously glancing away a bit. "Can I...?" When he felt Error nodded, Dream smiled a bit and carefully puts his hand on Error's skull.

Error glitched a bit before relaxing slowly and leaning to the touch. Dream began to carefully pet Error.

"Should... Should we... Tell them soon?" Error murmured softly and Dream glanced up at the sky. "Sure... They'll know sooner or later anyways... Either way, they're not gonna get inbetween our relationship." Dream chirped, making Error laugh a bit.

"Of course, not on my watch anyways." Error grinned up at Dream, who giggled softly before leaning down and stopping for a bit, staring into Error's eyes for permission, Error just smiled more before leaning up, meeting Dream's lips.

˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣

* And done!
* There was actually more but I decided not to put it in lmao
* Maybe next time
* Hope you guys enjoyed! G'bye!

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