Chapter 3: Some Will Win, Some Will Lose

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(Sonic's House; 5:30 PM)

It was the same evening. And Sonic was impatiently pacing back and forth around his house waiting for the phone to ring so Cream could tell him her status. Never in his life had he been this anxious to hear his phone ring. Usually whenever someone called him, it was usually an obsessed fangirl other than Amy just calling to hear this voice. And Sonic said the same thing every time. He asked them how they got his number and they responded with,

"My heart knew what it was."

It was one of the stupidest lines he had ever heard and he knew it was a lie. Amy was the one who coined it. Even Knuckles being as stupid as he is would know that. Sonic always suspected that Shadow gave his number to those girls just to screw with him. But he had no proof so he could never call him on it. But oh well. It's just a day in the life.

But still, he was worried about Amy. He would never openly admit this to anyone, even Tails who he considered to be his brother. But if he had to choose which crazed fangirl he considered to be his favorite, it had to be Amy. He thought that was a little weird to have a favorite fangirl. It was kind of like saying you're in love with someone who stalks you. Which is also kind of what it's like with him and Amy. But she was more fangirl than stalker. And for that, he was thankful. But he did find it creepy when he spotted her peeping through his window once a month in the night.

But still, all the creepy stuff aside, the two of them were friends. And for the work that she pulled of putting Shadow and Tikal together, she actually deserved this date. But how could there be a date if she never tells him where or when it's gonna be?

"Come on, Cream. How late does Miss Vanilla let you stay out anyways? You're six. I thought you would be home by now."


Before it could ring again, Sonic already had his hand on the phone and had it up to his ear.

"Talk to me, Cream."

"Hey, Sonikku."

He froze. Only one girl called him that. And it certainly wasn't Cream.


"That's my name."

Sonic was shocked to hear her voice. But he was also relieved to know she was alright.

"Where have you been the past week? I've been worried about you."

And of course that was enough to make her girly.

"I knew you cared about me, Sonic!"

Sonic slapped his forehead.

"Oh why? WHY did I have to say it like that?"

Now he had to correct himself to set it straight.

"Easy there, Amy. I'm just saying I thought Eggman got hold of you again and I thought you'd need to be rescued. But still...where've you been?"

"I've been cooped up in my room trying to figure out where to go on our date. And guess what? I've got it all planned out. You wanna hear?"


Sonic braced himself for whatever Amy had planned. What was it gonna be? A shopping trip to the mall? A Celine Dion concert?

"I've made reservations for us at Café Lemoore. 7:00 on Friday night."

What? That was it? Just dinner? Sonic was relieved but also surprised at the plan. Nothing girly whatsoever. Just a nice dinner with just the two of them. He could do that.

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