Chapter 9: Everybody Wants a Thrill

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Okay. So we got Twinkle Park here. A great place for all people who are looking for a great time. And today, Sonic, Shadow, Tikal, and Amy were all contributing to the happiness of the place. Well… Shadow not so much. We all know how he can be.

When they finally reached the booth to pay, Amy realized something. This was another dream of hers come true. She, nor anyone she was there with had to pay a cent to get in because of Twinkle Parks very famous motto.

"Cute couples get in free!"

The guy behind the booth gave them each an admission ticket and the four Mobians all passed through the gate and into the huge amusement park. Rides everywhere, food, drinks, sill toys you win in games, it was everything a theme park should be and then some. And Tikal, being new to it, was of course amazed.

"Everything looks so fun." The echidna said as she turned around in circles looking at her surroundings.

"Yeah. Just wait until you get further into it." Amy said back knowing the place like the back of her hand.

Sonic looked slightly down at his girlfriend.

"How many times have you been here before?"

"I come here with Cream and Cheese whenever Miss Vanilla asks me to babysit her." Amy responded. "And since Shadow put her into therapy, she's been asking me a lot more frequently."

Tikal first looked at Amy with confusion, and then at Shadow with the same expression.

"Why would Cream's mother be in therapy because of Shadow?"

The black hedgehog sweatdropped.

"It's a very long story."

Quickly trying to change the subject, Amy spoke up.

"So what do you guys wanna do first?" she asked all three of them.

"I'm up for whatever. As long as it's the least bit fast if you know what I mean." was Sonic's response.

Of course Sonic wanted to head for the roller coasters. If there was one thing he actually liked doing when he came to Twinkle Park, it was riding the rides. Sure they weren't as fast and as thrilling as him, but still, it was a nice break to not actually have to use his legs.

And then the faint sound of people screaming could be heard. And Tikal heard it too. She looked over her shoulder and saw a yellow colored rail. And then she saw a miniature train speed by with a whole bunch of people strapped into it. Curious to know what it was, she tugged the sleeve on Shadow's shoulder.

"Shadow, what's that?" she pointed to the track and Shadow followed her finger.

"It's called a roller coaster, Tikal. What it is, it's kind of like train. Instead goes up and down on this squiggly track. There are many of them in this place. A lot of people find them fun."

"Can we go on one?" Tikal asked now wanting to sample the experience.

But Shadow wasn't entirely sure about that. Tikal was still fairly new to this world. And sure he had made her go faster and higher than a roller coaster, but she hadn't felt all the twists and turns they can have.

"Are you sure you want to?" Shadow asked to be sure.

"Why not. It looks like fun." Tikal answered.

Shadow sighed. Oh well. If she really wanted to, why not?

"Alright. What about you two?" Shadow asked the other two hedgehogs.

"Of course." Amy answered for both she and Sonic.

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