Chapter 15: Hold On To The Feelin'

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Quarter past six. Shadow and Tikal were at the restaurant called The Brethren. It was pretty much the Mobian equivalent to a TGI Fridays. There were TV's everywhere with different sports games on, music playing, it was a family place. There were parents with children all over the place both human and Mobian. And the food was actually good there.

One by one, each couple showed up. First Knuckles and Rouge arrived and took their seats. Then Silver and Blaze came in. Followed by Tails, and then Cream and her mother arrived and the mother rabbit shot a very strange look at Shadow to which he shrugged. They had to wait a few more minutes for Sonic and Amy to arrive. And when they did, everyone was easily able to take notice of Amy's body. Because right now it was mostly covered in bruises and scratches.

"Amy! What happened to you?" Cream asked immediately worried.

"What she said." Rouge added. "You look terrible."

"Did you run into a tree or something?" Silver asked.

Amy looked at Sonic and the both of them shrugged. It wasn't anything to be proud of, but they had always been honest with their friends. So the two of them sat down, and explained everything that had happened in the past 24 hours. And needless to say, everyone was a bit surprised, and confused.

"Alright. So…let me get this straight." Knuckles gave it a shot. "Sonic's ex-girlfriend showed up trying to get him back but instead ended up getting told off by Sonic and tried to beat up Amy?"

Sonic and Amy both nodded confirming Knuckles to be correct.

"Why would we she do something like that?" Tails asked knowing Sally almost as good as Sonic. "I thought Sally would be more understanding."

"I did too, lil bro." Sonic told the young kitsune. "But not everything is quite what it seems in this crazy world."

"Are you alright, Amy?" Cream asked the hedgehog still worried.

Amy smiled at her.

"I'm alright, Cream. I promise you, I'm perfectly alright."

Vanilla patted her daughter's back.

"Don't you worry, Cream. Amy can take care of herself." But then she made a concerned look at Amy. "You didn't fight back did you?"

Amy rubbed the back of her head.

"Well….I wouldn't call it fighting back." She tried to explain. "More like…"

"She threw her hammer at Sally when her back was turned." Sonic finished for her.

Amy was smiling as she remembered how dead on her aim was when she threw that hammer. The face of that hammer hit Sally right in the back of her head. She was probably knocked unconscious after a few moments after the hammer made contact. And that was just fine with Amy. She got clawed by the bitch. She at least got in one good shot back at her.

"Yep. I sure did." Amy was damn proud of it too. "She tried to steal my hog."

"Atta girl." Rouge was not against Amy's tactics at all. "Show em' who's boss. If anyone tried to steal Knuckles away from me, I'd kick their a…"

"Rouge! Why don't we ask Shadow why he asked us all here?" Vanilla stopped Rouge before she said a word that Cream shouldn't hear.

And then everyone got back on track.

"Yeah. Why DID you call us here, Shadow?" Blaze asked him confused like the rest.

"It's not really like you to invite everyone to dinner and then offer to pay." Tails said.

Shadow shot a confused look at the young fox.

"I never said I would pay for dinner." Shadow corrected.

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