Chapter 8: Working Hard to Get My Fill

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The next few weeks went by fast for everyone. New Years was a blast for the group. They had a party over on Angel Island hosted by Knuckles and Rouge. When it hit midnight, everyone cheered and Blaze shot a wave of fireballs in the air for fireworks. It was a fun way to bring in the new year. Everyone was happy, cheering when the clock struck 12:00 AM, it was fun. But Sonic and Amy were the only ones not cheering. No. They were too busy making out with each other to even notice what time it was because it was the furthest thing from their minds.

This is how it's been for the past weeks for Sonic and Amy. They date, they kiss, it was the whole romance shebang. Sonic was slowly starting to get used to that feeling of being a boyfriend again. But he was still a good one. He still knew how to be a good boyfriend. And as for Amy, well....needless to say she was loving every bit of it. She finally had Sonic officially in her love life and she was his girlfriend. She couldn't possibly ask for anything else because she wanted nothing else. She had a big blue hunk of man. What more could a girl like her need?

She was thinking that very thing one night as she lay in her bed slowly drifting off to sleep with snow softly hitting her window outside. She and Sonic had been on a lot of dates since that wonderful Christmas Eve. But to her, none of them even came romantically close as that one winter night. Sonic hung mistletoe for Amy. And she got that beautiful rose necklace from him. She never took it off. She wore it everywhere. In the shower, to bed, everywhere. For her, the only thing that could have made that Christmas Eve even more romantic was if Sonic said those three words to her. One of them being the "L" word.

Sure as time went on, Sonic was feeling closer to Amy than even thought was possible. But he wasn't exactly sure of what he was feeling or the girl. Sure they were boyfriend and girlfriend, of course. But saying "I love you" to someone takes that relationship to a whole new level that he wasn't sure he was ready for. Not yet at least. The last girl he said those three words to ended up slapping him in the face. Heck, Sonic dated no one in between the time he broke up with Sally and got with Amy. And that was a two year gap. Sonic was taking things slow. Not getting too involved until he knows for sure what he wants with Amy.

And Amy knew that perfectly well and she had to understand. But she also wanted to help him feel more comfortable around her in the terms of romance and lovey-dovey stuff like that. As she turned in her bed and looked out her window to the dark snow filled sky, she began to think.

"Sonic's a GREAT boyfriend. But what I can do to help him be more calm around me? Maybe....maybe he just needs to see one of his friends in action. YES! That's it! If Sonic sees one of his friends act cool around his girlfriend, maybe he will too. But do I make that happen?"

Amy always thought about Sonic and what was good for him. When the whole thing with them first started, Sonic was as cool as a cucumber. But two weeks into the relastionship, that's when Sonic started showing signs of uneasiness. It was like the ghosts of his romantic past were starting to haunt him again and warn him off. And there was only one ghost. Sally. And Amy knew she had to put a stop to that. And that's when she came up with her plan.

"That's it! That's it! If Sonic sees Silver or someone being sweet around their girl, he'll be more comfortable in this relationship."

With her plan formulated, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep as the snow stopped falling.

When morning came around, Sonic was greeted by the sun shining through his window and the light hitting his eyes. He squinted and then moved to a position where the light was no bother. And then he turned around, sat up, put on his shoes, and walked into his kitchen. He opened the fridge and sure enough, that hedgehog pulled out a plate with a couple of chili dogs on it. He placed them in the microwave and let them cook for a bit before he literally swallowed them whole.

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