Chapter 14: Strangers

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It was 8 o'clock in the morning and the rain had finally stopped a few hours ago. And in Sonic's house, Sally was the one to wake up first. And when she did, she felt something around her. Actually she felt two things. Those two things were Sonic's arms and they were wrapped around her.

Sally smirked evilly once more when she realized this. If there was one thing she had known about Sonic in all the time she had known him, it was that he moved around in his sleep. And if there was someone or something in that same bed with him, sooner or later, he would grab hold of that person or thing. They used to have sleepovers all the time, so she was usually the victim of his sleep grabbing.

This is what she had been waiting for. Her vest was right beside the bed. She slowly reached into it, and then she pulled out a digital camera of hers. Without waking Sonic, she put the camera up in the air, turned it around so the lens was pointed right at the two of them, and then took a picture. She smirked when she saw the pose was perfect. Sonic had his eyes closed and his arms completely around her stomach.

"When Amy sees THIS, she won't even want to live in the same CITY as Sonic."

That was her whole plan. Get some sort of evidence of any kind that showed Sonic and Sally doing something very strange together, and then show it to Amy so she'll stay away. She had the picture. Now all she had to do was go over and show Amy. But she couldn't do that. If she just went to her house and just shoved the picture right in her face, the hedgehog would get suspicious and know she was lying. She was smarter than that. But then luck seemed to turn in her favor when she heard these two sounds.


"Sonikku! Rise and shine!"

It was the doorbell and Amy. The girl hedgehog had gotten back from the spa a few hours early and decided to stop by her boyfriend's house and take him out for breakfast. She thought it would be a nice surprise. But boy did she get a surprise. And not in the good kind.

No sir. The surprise she got came a few minutes later when the door opened and Sally was there wearing one of Sonic's T-Shirts that said "Crush 40" across it. And needless to say, Amy was at a loss for words. But she was able to get a few out.

"Sally? What….are you doing here?"

Sally smirked.

"Sonic invited me to stay with him for the night."

Amy made a confused face.

"Why would he do that?"

"I don't know. But he did say he missed me and asked me if I could come."

Amy started to breathe deeply as the words processed through her head. And that evil smirk Sally head only grew as she took out that camera and then showed her the picture.

Sonic seemed really comfortable wrapped around her. Tears started to sting the outer edges of her eyes as Amy stared right at the picture. When she went to grab the camera, Sally pulled it away.

It couldn't be. It just couldn't be true. Sonic would never cheat on her. But that picture…they were so close. That was enough. She couldn't take it anymore.

"When Sonic wakes up, tell him I never want to see him again."

Sally smirked again.

"I'll make sure he gets the message."

With that, Amy turned around and ran away and Sally closed the door. And right as she did, Sonic came out of his room and yawned. When he saw Sally, he froze. He was going to ask what she was doing in the only shirt he ever wore anywhere, but he noticed she had closed the door, signifying that someone was there.

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