Chapter 6: A Hedgehog in a Smokey Room

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It was 5:00. And Amy was up in her room with Cream trying to figure out what to wear to Sonic's house for dinner. And being how anxious the hedgie was, she had begun to raid her closet for the perfect outfit. And she was a girl. So there were almost a million different combinations of outfits to choose from.

"What about this?"

Amy came out of her walk-in closet with her next decision. She had on a pair of blue jeans, red flip-flops, and a white tank top that showed off her pink midriff.

Cream and Cheese rubbed their chins as they examined her choice of wear.

"I think it's showing a bit too much." Cream said.

"Chao!" Cheese agreed.

Amy groaned and closed the doors to her closet again. Ten minutes later. She came out again. She had on this time black pants, pink tennis shoes, and a red long sleeved sweater with a white stripe across it horizontally.

"Well?" Amy awaited the rabbit's opinion.

"That's cute." Cream at this point was now just trying to make her decide on something so she could go home. "Amy I have to go home soon. Momma will start to worry about me."

"But I have to look good for Sonic." Amy protested.

"But why? You're only going to his house." Cream said back.

Amy had to consider this. And she did. She wasn't going to a fancy restaurant. It was only Sonic's house.

"You're right, Cream. Tonight, it's just me and him. No one else around. I don't have to be the hit of the ball."

Amy turned back around and closed the doors of her closet. A minute later she walked out in her traditional red dress and red boots.

"Just me and him. No reason to go all out. Right?" she looked at her best friend.

"Yeah. But you might want to bring a jacket. It's really cold out." Cream agreed and then looked at the clock. "I have to go. Momma's making dinner and I don't want to miss it."

"Okay. Tell her I said hi, okay? And thanks for your advice."

"You're welcome. Have fun." Cream hopped off Amy's bed and headed out.

She grabbed her jacket on the way out then headed for home leaving Amy alone in her house. She had been to Sonic's house plenty of times. But she had hardly ever been inside it. So she had forgotten what the place looked like. But as interested as she was to see what Sonic's house looks like, she had her mind on the blue hedgehog himself.

He invited her over to his house for dinner. She didn't even think Sonic could cook. But Sonic was good at anything. And to eat a meal prepared by him was sure to be an experience.

"Should I head over there early? I'm already ready to go and I have to wait an hour. But if I go early, he might think I'm anxious."

Great. Now she had another dilemma. And there was no Cream to calm her down. But luckily, she thought and a solution by herself. She grabbed her phone and called Sonic's number.


"Hi, Sonic."

"Oh hey, Ames. Wassup?"

"I wanted to ask you something about me coming over."

Sonic paused before answering.

"If you wanna….do something else….than I guess…"

"Oh no! No no no no no no no! That's not what I was going to say. I was just going to ask if I could come right now instead of at six. It's kind of boring over here."

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