Chapter 4: For A Smile They Can Share The Night

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Man. Friday came a lot quicker than Sonic wanted it to. He wasn't really quite sure he was ready for this. Not yet at least. The last time he had went out with a girl, she wanted him to settle down and take off the shoes. And we all know Sonic can't do that. And that's what he feared most about this. What if Amy's no different than Sally? What if she wants him to stay at home too? Man he didn't want that. He would rather have his quills shaved off of him than stop running.

But Sally was a year ago. And Amy really liked Sonic's running. But he HAD to go through with this date. That's the thing about bets. You don't want to lose them. Then you're stuck doing something you don't want to do. The most common thing being you giving your money to some jerk.

But this wasn't about money. Although he was probably going to have to pay for the date but that was pretty much the extent of that matter. And then came the thing Sonic dreaded more than the date itself. He had to put on that stupid tuxedo he bought.

The undershirt and the jacket had those holes for his two back spikes. And his tail poked out the back of his pants. He had to get instructions off the internet on how to tie a bowtie. And even then it was hard.

There was no way he was going to put on those stupid black shoes. His feet would probably never be the same again after feeling different shoes. And if Amy didn't like that, then so be it.

Then Sonic looked at himself in the mirror and…he actually didn't look all that bad. He was one sharp looking hedgehog.

But it wasn't the look that bothered him. It was his fur being all tangled around due to those clothes being so tight on him. Maybe he just had to break them in. So he figured, what better way to break something in than running. But right before he went out the door, he froze. If he ran at full speed in this tux, the friction burn would probably set it on fire. Not to mention all the dust he kicks up will get it dirty. So he had to check running off the list.

Then the blue hedgie looked at his clock. It was almost 6:30. He had to go! He rushed to the door and opened it. But then he was blinded by a white flash.

When his eyes readjusted, he saw Tails standing there holding back his laughter while he stared at the one inch screen of his yellow digital camera.

"Ack! Tails? What are you doing?" Sonic asked.

Tails shrugged innocently.

"Just a little souvenir." He said.

"For what?"

"Nothing I guess. I'm still bored. See ya!"

Tails flew away and Sonic raised his fist to the air.


The sound of Tails laughing was the response he got. He knew Tails was enjoying this. But he had more important things to worry about right now. Sonic turned around, closed the door to his house, locked it, and then slowly began to run. It bothered him so. Running at such a slow speed, but he didn't have a choice. In ten minutes, he arrived at the front door of Café Lemoore. The name of the restaurant was lit up above the door in large white neon letters in the cursive style. Fancy sign for a fancy place.

Sonic was about to go inside and seat himself. But then he remembered something. Amy was the one who made the reservation. He didn't know which name it would be under. His or hers? So he just had to wait. The café was right next door to a clock store so the time was easy to see. It was 6:50. He had to wait ten minutes for Amy to arrive. And he HATED waiting. And the suit rubbing against his fur wasn't helping the situation at all.

But after ten minutes of agony, he saw Vanilla's car pull up. Then out of the passenger seat, Amy stepped out. And Sonic couldn't help but stare and drop his jaw.

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