|2| -Then-

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Darting between students, Scarlet hurried towards her next class. Hoping that the day would end soon, she could see the door of her lesson, and she picked up her pace.

That morning, right as she had arrived at school, she was called over the intercom to report to the office. Automatically, she thought she was in trouble, but it wasn't like she could be, it was the first day.

Once she walked in the doors to the office, they graciously told her that a shadow student would be following her around for the first class and that she should show him where everything was.

"Scarlet, wait up," Colter, a dark brunette, yelled from down the hall as he ran towards Scarlet.

Everyone looked in Scarlet's direction.

Hating that eyes were on her, she took in a deep breath and turned around.

"Hi?" Scarlet said in disarray. "Could you not find your next class?"

He was the one Scarlet had been showing around earlier that morning, but was done for the day. He was supposed to meet up with his next tour guide.

"Well, now that you mention it, but no, that is not why I came over here."

Everyone walked by, giving Scar nasty looks as Colter ran his hand through his long brown hair. "You dropped this."

He slid his bag off his shoulder and pulled a gray flowered notebook out with the word 'Songs' on the cover in big sharpie letters and underneath read, 'DON'T READ EMILY!'

Embarrassment ran across Scar's face. She hadn't realized the journal was under her textbooks that morning when she had darted out the door, late.

Scarlet's face turned bright red with humiliation.

"Oh..." She grabbed it before anyone else saw it, but now they had a crowd around them.

"Thanks." She hurried and slid it into her backpack. "Anything else?"

Please say no, she kept repeating in her head.

He took a step back. "Yeah, actually."

Clenching her hands, Scarlet held them as tight as she possibly could, until they became white. She was not okay with him actually taking her up on the offer. Was he not taught that no one ever means that question?

He pulls a small piece of paper out of his pocket with some messy scribbles on it. "Do you know where..." Colt holds the paper closer to his face and then scoots it far away from his eyes to try to make out the numbers. "Oh, I guess I can't even tell." He laughs.

"Here let me." Scarlet aims to grab the paper, but grabs his hand instead.

"Uhh..." She reaches again, and he just gave it to her this time. "Room 431. I'm heading there right now if you want to tag along."

"Sure." He smiles as she looked at the rest of the classes.

"You have like every class with me."

Looking up at him, Scar handed him back the paper. It was weird, and if that was so, why would they even give him different tour guides throughout the day? It wasn't like Scarlet wanted to be with the new guy all day, but she found it strange.

"Guess I'll just stick by you today, then." He smirked as he looked at her.

The two talked as what looked like the whole school followed just close enough to hear their conversations. With each step they took, the more people in the haw would turn and scrutinize the pair, mainly just Scarlet.

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