|8| -Then-

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Walking into school was difficult the next morning for Scarlet and Colter. Low on energy and not eating breakfast was starting to catch up to them quickly.

"Wow, you two look like hell," Tyler said as the two of them clung to each other for support.

Scarlet winced at every step she took. "I feel like it. I can't believe Emily had us come to school."

Scar said while holding her stomach with one hand and grabbing Colt's shoulder with the other. "Pause."

Looking down towards the ground, Scarlet squeezed Colt's shoulder for him to stop, which sent Ash and Tyler doing the same. Scarlet anchored herself more onto him with both hands, taking several deep breaths, trying to get her breathing back to normal and her balance steady. She hadn't been able to keep anything down, not even water, which was another reason the two of them went breakfastless. Scarlet was running on fumes.

"Scar, is that smell coming from you?" Ashleigh asked, not wanting to know the answer.

"Sure is. Doesn't she smell wonderful? Try being locked in the back of the car for 30 minutes with that." Colter vocalized. "It was not fun."

Scarlet rolled her eyes. "Five minutes. I live five minutes away. And at least you got to take a shower, I wasn't able to stand." She looked up.

"Okay, I am good." They proceeded to walk, but by the time they made it near the girl's bathroom, Scarlet was already inside.

After ten minutes with no sign of life and the five-minute tardy bell ringing, Colter entered the bathroom and to no surprise, he found Scar leaning up against the stall wall, white-knuckling the toilet seat. She was gasping for air with tears down her face. She was exhausted and unable to move.

Speeding over to her, Colt sat on the ground with her, rubbing her back and pulling her hair behind her ears. Ashleigh, who had insisted that she go in after Scarlet instead due to the fact she could be in the girl's restroom, opened the door to see Colter mouthing out the word "nurse" in her direction. She rushed out to get them, and soon the nurse and a wheelchair came to help.

The nurse sped in. "Colter, could you help her up?" The nurse questioned as she was locking the wheelchair's wheels. Colt slowly got up, desperately trying not to disturbed Scarlet, who was leaning into him. Carefully and eventually, he made it up and began to pick Scarlet up from the ground.

Her body was limp with little energy, but once her butt left the ground, her hands gripped each other around his neck, making sure that he wouldn't drop her. Unhurriedly, he began to lower her into the chair, but she wouldn't let go of his neck.

"Scarlet, my dear, let Colter go. He has to go to class." The nurse softly spoke, but Scarlet still didn't let him go.

Ash tried to unclench her hands, but there was no use, she wasn't going to release her grip, she felt safe, and she wasn't going to let them take her away from that. With the small amount of energy that she did have, she used it to stay connected to Colt.

"Colter, would you mind carrying her to my office?"

"No, I don't." He said, while lifting her back up and getting a stronger hold on her. She buried her head into his chest as he began to walk towards the exit.

The nurse opened the door to a crowd that wanted to see what had happened. She started to make a path for Colter and Scar with Tyler and Ashleigh behind, ready to give nasty looks to the standbys. Immediately after Colter took a step out of the bathroom, the whole mob gasped at the sight of the new guy transporting the 'quiet' girl out of the bathroom instead of the nurse using the wheelchair.

"Seriously, you have never seen a fainted girl before?" Ash snarled at the group that sent everyone away. Her protective bark and actions were all for show though, there was no bite in her.

They continued to the office, where Colter laid Scarlet down on the gurney sofa while Ash and Tyler hurried off to class, so they wouldn't be late. Scar still wouldn't let go, but Colter really needed to get to class this time.

"Rein, I need to get to class. I'll come to visit during the passing period." He tugged on her arms, but they still wouldn't unlock them. "Scarlet, I have to go."

His voice became harsh and not as gentle as it was before, which caused her to let go and turned her back towards him as he walked out. She felt hurt. Yeah, of course, he had to go, but... she had no excuse. She just wanted him to stay. The nurse looked at Scarlet and knew that ice wouldn't help that.

Picking up the phone, the nurse hastily typed in the number for Emily. "Mrs. Green, could you come to pick up Scarlet? She fainted in the girl's restroom, and she threw up more than I have ever seen anyone throw up before. I don't think school is the best place for here right now."

The nurse "mhm" quite a bit before ending the call. "Yes, mam', I will let Mr. Green know." The nurse hung up the phone and started to dial Adam's class.

"Mr. Green, Scarlet is in my office and Mrs. Green said that her car isn't running. She wanted to know if you could take the rest of the day off and take Scarlet home?" She nodded her head as if he could see her. "Okay, I will let Scarlet know." The nurse hung up the phone once more and walked over to Scarlet. "Sweets, your uncle is coming to take you home."

"Okay," Scarlet said as if she hadn't heard any of the conversations.

"I am so sorry, Scar. I didn't think you would end up fainting. Is Colter okay?" Emily asked right as Scar and Adam walked through the door.

Scarlet was nearly walking by herself, but needed some assistance from Adam. "He is fine. He carried me to the nurse's office."

"I thought Ms. Alice said that you fainted in the girl's bathroom?" Emily looked confused as Adam guided Scarlet over to the couch, where she collapsed.

"I did. He was worried after I ran in there and hadn't come out."

"Oh." Emily sat on the edge of the couch and rubbed Scar's legs.

"I am so, so, so, so, so, so, sorry."

Scarlet raised her hand up and waved it towards Emily as a sign of I know, I forgive you.

Scar buried her head into the hundreds of throw pillows that were surrounding her. Emily stood up and walked downstairs, to Adam's office, which he had retreated to.

Scarlet fell asleep fast and didn't wake up till dinner. She felt amazingly better and could actually keep the food down. Adam and Emily were shocked, but they didn't say a word. All three of them ate and joked around, telling their favorite, embarrassing stories about one another. When Scarlet went off to take a shower, it was around 8:45, and she was surprised that Colter hadn't come over since he had been there every day since they met. Also, how hadn't he come to check on her? She was slightly disappointed. 

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