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Three weeks went by, and the band hadn't had food poisoning or any issues since that day. They worked on the songs after school and whenever they could for two weeks, only having Saturdays off, per Colter's request. They sounded amazing, and they even recorded a demo that Emily gave to her friends. They loved the band immediately, saying that it was a fresh, new sound.

"I can't believe we have our first gig tonight." Colter bounced from one couch cushion to the next.

"I told like everyone at school."

"What? Why?" Scarlet asked while being bounced from the pressure Colter was changing with each hop.

"Better to have at least two people there than none."

Scarlet, who wasn't even going to be up on stage, was nervous for them. "Colter, the girls would follow you into the bathroom if they could. They are all going to be there tonight." Ash huffed.

"Hopefully." Tyler winked.

"Gross." Scarlet grabbed the pillow she was leaning on and threw it in Ty's direction, accidentally hitting his face. Going down, he pretended to be hurt, emotionally and physically.

Emily ambled down the stairs, almost gliding, and as she reached the bottom, looking to the left, she could see the group sitting on the couch.

Heading that way, Emily began to talk. "Scar, I talked to my owner friend, and he said it would be cool if you took some photos of the band."

Adam, who had the car keys in hand, walked from the kitchen after putting away some dishes. "Go get your camera, and we will go."

Scarlet leaped up and rushed upstairs. "Okay."

"Colter, what have I said about jumping on the couch?" Adam looked directly at him.

"Not to jump on this one, but the one in the garage and the one in the basement are free real estate," Colter said while jumping one last time and falling onto his butt.

"Correct, now get your shoes on and get into the car." Adam walked out first, leading the boys to the car while Emily fake-herded them out the door.

"Scarlet," Emily called one last time as Scar scampered down the stairs and out the front door.

Eventually, they made it to the outdoor theater and Emily went in first to figure out where Adam should park the car. Colter, Scarlet, and Ashleigh were stuffed in the backseat of Adam's silver Camry while Tyler sat on the ground, on their feet. They joked around while waiting, but the wait felt like forever. Tyler and Ash began to play Sticks as Scar and Colt talked about what songs they should start to work on next.

"Okay, just pull around to the back," Emily said while getting back into the car. Adam drove down the side of the building into the basement area that read, 'Parking for Workers ONLY'.

The group got out and began to unpack the car with minimal help from Scarlet. Instead of helping, she snapped some photos of the group grabbing the guitars from the trunk and Tyler messing with the drums that were already set up on the stage. Scarlet thought they would be good for a website to promote the band. Emily wasn't for it, but she did agree that Falling Water needed something to get their image out there.

They rehearsed as some people started to show up early. Colter had posted a picture of Scarlet taking a photo of him and captioned it, "Isn't she the cutest, sneaking photos of us practicing." That one post caused chaos in all the girls and some boys that attended Hunting Hills High School in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada.

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