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All six of them were exhausted when the clock hit six, but it was time for their reservation and all of them were remarkably starving. They entered the restaurant with tired faces, while the staff led them to a back room, full of waiters.

Scarlet laid almost her whole body onto Colter as he kissed her head. Emily saw, but was too worn out to wince in her pain. They ordered, and the workers put a rush into their food, noticing that the group would not last much longer. Ash closed her eyes to blink, but her eyelids became too heavy to open again, sending her asleep while sitting upright.

When their food arrived, Colter woke up Scar while Emily nudged Ash who fell onto Tyler, waking them both up with a jolt. They couldn't help but fall asleep. They scarfed down their food like there was no tomorrow and paid while still stuffing their faces.

Even though Alison had done the same tour with other musicians, she was weak and wanted to leave once everyone was done with their meals. The time difference wasn't the hardest part of tours, she told them, which made them thrilled... not. They feared the next day after that.

Slowly, they all picked themselves up and made it to the door of the bistro. Their hotel was about a block away, and they were going to walk, which didn't sound good to any of them. The cool breeze of the night, hit them as they exited the warm restaurant. Taking small strides, they headed up the hellish path.

Each step felt like knives in Scarlet's feet. She winced in pain with each advancement she made. She couldn't wait to get out of her clothes and take a shower. She needed it. She smelled of pizza sauce and airplane water from earlier on the plane when she removed the pizza crumbs from her hair due to Colter eating over her. She still couldn't believe that he would do that.

Colter laid his arm around Scar's shoulders. As they walked, they leaned into each other, making each step they took lopsided. Gradually, their steps began to be in sync, matching the other's footing. Ash placed her arm around Scarlet's waist and joined in. Tyler looked back at the three and joined in too, placing his arm around Colter's torso. Emily and Alison didn't dare to look back, knowing that the four would be doing something weird.

Not feeling like sleeping on a cot, either of them, taking one for the team, Ashleigh decided to sleep in the boy's room, sharing a bed with Tyler. That left Scarlet, roommate less, and have all the freedom to all surfaces in the room, throwing her stuff everywhere, not caring that it was a mess and cluttered. Honestly, she didn't care, she cared more about sleeping than anything else.

Scarlet stripped and plunged into the warm tub without skipping a beat. Her whole body felt like a piece of concrete in the ocean, useless to try to stop it from going under. Her entire figure was engulfed by the huge granite jacuzzi tub, surrounded by creativity. Scar opened her eyes and watched as the water rushed over her head. She watched the water dance over her as it swayed.

Her brown hair danced over her face as it surrounded her vision. Scar closed her eyes right as her air supply became slim, but her body was too heavy for her to push herself back up to the surface that was only centimeters away. It wasn't like she felt that she was endangered. She felt fine. If she felt like something was off, of course, she would push herself back up. She could still do that...

She became even more tired than before as she exhaled the last of her breath, while still being pushed down by the liquid. A knock came on the door, but she didn't hear it. Her eyes became heavier as her foot slipped, causing her to plunge more into the warm water. It felt warmer than it had a moment before as she hit the bottom. It felt almost comfortable.

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