|12| -Then-

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"Ok, I have been working on a song with Colter. It isn't finished, but I think it's coming together." Scarlet entered the carport holding her notebook that was housing all mixed varieties of writings.

After their kiss, a few days prior, they hadn't exactly talked about it, and they had multiple opportunities. Scarlet even wondered if it even happened and if it was just all in her head.

Why would he just kiss her? She knew that she was the one who started it, for still an unknown reason even to her, but why would he kiss her? It wasn't like he saw her like that, right? She didn't see him like that, but she still couldn't figure out why her subconscious would do such a thing. There was no other explanation. Rather than think about it 24/7 as she had been, she tried to concentrate on the band and only the band, throwing herself into writing better and newer songs.

Colter rolled off the couch, landing on Tyler, who was lying half under the beverage table and half under Ashleigh's feet and where Colt's feet were seconds before. Ty groaned as Colter pushed all his weight onto his hands, which were centered on Ty's cracking bones. Ash began to laugh at Tyler's pain. She had warned him minutes prior that he was going to get smashed.

"Human, here. Just thought I might remind you." Tyler heavily gasped, trying to get air back into his lungs.

Ignoring Tyler, Colter got full up after doing a downward dog stretch on Ty's back and began to speak. "And what Rein means by me and her writing a song, she means it was all me." He goofily smiled and grabbed his guitar.

Scarlet moved closer to Colter. "Yeah right!" She laughed at him. "You wouldn't be able to write a bridge." She rolled her eyes as she laid the book in front of him, so he could see the lyrics.

Grinning back at her, he tried to be cute. He would say anything to her if he thought that it may bring a smile across her face. He tried to call her out for being wrong.

"I can draw a bridge perfectly fine. I have no idea why you bring up drawing skills." Colter responded confidentially, thinking he was smart for realizing bridges weren't a musical term.

Scar and Ash struck their faces with their hands while Tyler, who was now on the couch next to Ash, looked up 'song bridges' and showed the phone to Colt.

"Well, I helped with this song."

"Never said you didn't." Scarlet laughed, knowing that he actually did nothing. He just kept shouting out words that rhymed, like cat, hat, rat, bat.

"Go on, sing." She moved over to the couch and sat in between the others.

Colter began, and it was good at first until Emily walked in.

"Hey, Scar, some girls from your school are here. They said you have a project to do."

Before Scarlet could say that she didn't know what Emily was talking about, two extremely popular girls pushed their way into the room and began to smile uncontrollably. Colter put his guitar down fast and closed the songbook, sticking it into his nearby backpack before the girls could see. Emily walked out, closing the door, and smiling. She had never had that many of Scarlet's 'friends' over.

Scar sat up straighter, very dazed by what was happening.

"Uhhh...hi?" Scarlet said.

"OMG, Sasha, your area is super adorable. What is this neighborhood called?" One of the girls spoke. Her name was, like Annabel or Arabel, Scarlet could never remember.

The other girl, with long chocolate-brown hair, started to look around, moving farther into the garage. "Yeah, and it's like really so close to school."

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