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"I'm glad you and Charlie have patched things up," Erica said as the two entered their house, switching on the lights and kicking off their shoes. 

"Yeah me too," Saffron agreed.

"You're not thhe most easiest person to talk to when you have things between the two of you," Erica admitted, sitting on the couch. 

"I'm not?" Saffron frowned, joinging her friend, tucking her legs underneath her as she sat down. 

"You're not bad. You just sort of zone out a bit and you're always a little fidgety and not so happy. But I understand why," Erica smiled. 

"Sorry. I just hate being in some sort of disagreement with Charlie," Saffron sighed.

"It's ok. I get it. No one likes being mad at someone they care about, or knowing they're mad at you," Erica shrugged. 

"That's true. I just hate disagreeing with Charlie. I mean, I know we're going to. People disagree. But I just feel like we've been doing too much of that lately. And this make up, I don't know, it just doesn't feel the same."

"What do you mean? Do you mean you feel like you don't like him anymore or what?" Erica asked. 

"No I do, I love him, but it just felt weird walking away, like it wasn't fully resolved, like we didn't care that we had resolved anything."

"Well your disagreement did include Curtis and saying Curtis' name is enough to have Charlie angry."

"But why?" Saffron asked. "Why does he hate Curtis so much?"

"It's not just him hating Curtis. Curtis also hates him. They almost loathe each other. Charlie is going to be angry enough that you have to be around him. I'm not surprised he got upset that you and Curtis were friendly."

"We aren't friendly, just aquaintances," Saffron defended. 

"I know, but they have bad blood."

"Erica, what happened betwen them?"

"I think you should hear that from Charlie," Erica said. 

"If Charlie was going to tell me, he'd have told me by now. Plus he is going to be biased. Erica please," Saffron begged.

"Alright," Erica dragged out the word. 

"Before Charlie came Curtis was top dog. Everyone loved Curtis, all the girls fawned over him, all the guys wanted to be his best mate and -"

"Sounds like school all over again," Safron rolled her eyes.

"Pretty much," Erica agreed. "But anyway, So Charlie comes along and suddenly Curtis is second best or whatever. Everyone knows Charlie's super good at what he does and everyone likes him. He's a good guy. So Curtis felt jealous and instantly hated Charlie, he tried doing whatever he could to make him look or sound bad or whatever. And of course this annoyed Charlie but he refrained from doing it back."

"So that's all it is, just rivalry?" Saffron asked. 

"Well no-"

"Then what else? Please tell me."

"You can't get mad though."

"Why would I? Alright no. Tell me?" Saffron asked.

"Well. You know how the guys said something about Charlie and Lenard having a thing?"


"Well they actually dated. Charlie liked her. But I think that was only because she lied to him. She just wanted to date Charlie well I don't even know why. Because he was really good at what he does I guess. Plus- and don't kill me for saying this- he is good looking. So Lenard practically bribed him into dating her as well as using magic."

The Ugly One *Charlie Weasley*Where stories live. Discover now