Rainy Kisses and Missed Birthdays

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"So, other then hearing about girls apparently obsessing over me, what else did you get up to at Hogwarts?" Charlie asked Saffron as the two lay on the picnic blanket looking up at the sky, hand in hand. 

"Not a whole lot really. I just kept to my studies, my house, my friends, didn't really do anything to be noticed by anyone other than those in my house," Saffron said. The sky had darkened again but the two stayed out for as long as they could. 

"What do you mean noticed?" he asked.

"Well in Ravenclaw they had these  competition kind of things, whoever could solve the  most riddles ecetera and I just so happen to be good at riddles," Saffron shrugged. 

"Ok, what else?" he asked. 

"Well, I don't know really," Saffron said. "I guess I was just in with the right crowd." Which was true, she had been, but Saffron didn't like to talk about her school days, they reminded her too much of him...

"And because of Julius?" Charlie asked. Speak of the devil.

"Yeah," Saffron nodded. 

"He was Hufflepuf didn't you say?" 


"How did you, you know start dating?" Charlie asked. He felt a little awkward talking about it, but he wanted to get past any and every barrier and he was part of Saffron and he wanted to know. 

"Well we used to both hang out in the library a lot, and I thought he was quite good looking and one day he came up and spoke to me, so we started studying together and I really liked him, then he asked me out, I said yes, and that's it," Saffron shrugged. In a way she liked remembering it, she was happy at that time in her life, she was her. 

"But it changed?"

"Yeah," Saffron said. "It did. He changed and then it happened and I suppose it was a good thing though, that I didn't marry him."

"Why's that?" Charlie asked, though he was ecstatic that she hadn't married him. 

"I was so young. I hadn't experienced the world. He became a Death Eater and I didn't fancy that lifestyle," Saffron explained. "Plus it would have been a bummer had I been married and then met you." 

"That is a good reason," Charlie said referring to the last one.

"I thought they were all good reasons," Saffron smiled.

"They are, I just like that it would be a bummer," Charlie smiled. "But did you just say he became a Death Eater?!"

"Yeah," Saffron said sadly. 

"But e was a Hufflepuff?"

"I don't get it either," Saffron said. "But it doesn't matter."

"It doesn't?" Charlie asked looking at her. 

"No," Saffron shook her head. 

"But what about you? What did you used to get up to?" Saffron smiled.

"Not much either I guess. Quidditch, Prefect duties, friends, studies, didn't have time for much else."

"What was your favourite subject?"

"Care of Magical Creatures," Charlie said and Saffron smiled. 

"That was mine too."

"Really? Were we in the same class?"

"No I don't think so, I don't remember any girls fawning over you," Saffron said and Charlie laughed. 

"Imagine if these girls saw you now, all hooked up with Charlie Weasley," Charlie pretended to act cocky and Saffron laughed. 

The Ugly One *Charlie Weasley*Where stories live. Discover now