What Silly Words(Angst)

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The pair stood on the barren railroad tracks that they had just spent hours cleaning together.

They were tired and decided to sit for a bit before heading back home.

The flame haired one couldn't help but stare at the green haired one. After years of not speaking here she was, right beside him.

He had always liked her but his childish anger at her made him push her away.

But now here she was, laughing at his jokes as if nothing had happened, he couldn't help but smile at her.

The moonlight shone down on her making her as radient as ever and Firey felt butterflies in his stomach.

"I'm so glad we're friends again Firey," Leafy said.

"Me too" Firey gazed at her.

The two stared at each other and Firey felt a sudden wave of confidence come over him.

"Leafy for those years we were apart, I never hated you I was just an idiot but having you here it's made me realise something... " Firey proclaimed

"I love you"




Leafy felt something snap as she stared at the boy in front of her


"I-I'm sorry that-"


Leafy jumped up, glaring at the idiot.

"You pushed me away, you pretended I didn't exist, you lied to me and everyone else just so your stupid reputation wasn't ruined!" Leafy yelled.

"Leafy I-"

"NO! I don't wanna hear it, how can I trust you when every word that comes from you is a disgusting lie?"

Firey felt as though the ground was giving way under him as Leafy continued to scream at him, with pure hatred in her eyes.

"You hurt me Firey, because of YOU no one likes me, I was EXILED AND IT WAS ALL YOUR FAULT,"

Firey stayed silent.

"And even now you aren't saying anything,"

Firey just looked away from her, because if he looked into those eyes again, he would break down.

"You sicken me, Firey. How in the name of God could I love you now?"

"Does that mean you did love me?" Firey asked.

"I did love you, once"

The tears flooded Firey's vision with those words.

"I was the more decieved to think that you could ever be a better person" Leafy glared.

"And stop crying, you are not the in the right to hurt,"

He finally looked at her, she was standing, shoulders squared and glaring.

He had lost her, he had ruined her.

"Please, stay," he murmered.

"Why would I stay with a pathetic, backstabbing waste of a man," she said.

"I-I'm sorry Leafy,"

"Too little, too late," she growled.

"I hope you know what you've done because I want you to feel the same pain I did when you locked those gates"

Firey sank lower as he wiped his eyes.

"You're really embarrassing, Firey. You know that?"

He never looked at her.

She gave him one last piercing glare and she turned away from him.

Leafy felt no regret in what she said. How could he have such audacity to say he loved her after all he had put her through?

She turned around to get one last look at her former friend, he was still sitting down but there were tears on his face.

"Goodbye, Firey," she said under her breath "Maybe one day you'll find someone has sickening as you,"

Hello welcome to my new book, this is just so I can fuck around with all my Fireafy ideas.

I'll post little jokes and stories in here whenever I feel like it i chose Angst as my first theme because I had a bad day


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