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Okay so ranting a lil bit

I wish that Fireafy authors/books that are set in the world of BFB had Firey and Leafys relationship be awkward at first.

Like, Firey was a massive part of Leafys current issues and he really hurt her

Leafy took Firey effort away out of pure jealousy and was constantly trying to push it under the rug with her "kindness"

They both mature and realise that they were both in the wrong and blah blah blah

But people always overlook this.

They aren't immediately going to have a happy relationship where its all easy and comfortable.

I'm talking about the awkwardness of when they first start dating.

It's obviously going to be strange from ignoring someone/being upset by someone for years and suddenly being in a relationship with them.

It would be awkward when hugging/kissing

Both of them being unsure of what to do

I really wish people used this more because it can actually make some great comfort fluff.

Like Firey and Leafy trying to find comfort in eachother but that underlying fear is still there at first so they talk it out and discuss how they feel and how they felt.

I'm talking the slow but sure sense of Co dependency that comes along as loving and finding safety in the other becomes easier.

It creates a deeper sense of trust and love with both characters accepting the other for who they are and it just needs to be used more

Anyways, Tethered Souls out soon bye

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