Scrapped Ideas.

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Tethered Souls had quite a few scrapped characters and storylines so I wanted to talk about them.

In my original plot Four was Leafy's dad. I scrapped this idea because I wanted Leafy to have a mom and there's no women you can really ship Four with. Also, for a brief period of time Two was gonna be her dad cus he's green but scrapped this idea because of the woman thing and also because it just didn't make sense.

Tree was supposed to play a role in the story but I kind of just forgot about him. My plan was to have him either be Leafy's brother or father but somehow I just forgot but don't worry, he does play a role in the sequel, not a big one but he plays a part.

Scrapped Endings:

Number 1.
Firey and Leafy are trying to break their tether and thanks to the research Firey did they track down a place up in some mountains with a holy shrine. After a drive that was a couple days long (there would have been romantic stuff and this would have been when they confessed while staying in a roadside motel)

They arrive there and they find out the shrine is dedicated to Leafy's family and they learn that there's a whole religion based on them. Leafy is very proud and brags about it while they look around. They meet a sweet old woman who runs the shrine and tells them where the ancient well is and she somehow knows who Leafy is and is all wise and stuff.

While attempting the tether breaking ritual, Leafy's father interrupts and the ritual fails. Leafy confronts her dad and Firey stands up for her. Because of magic law and stuff they can't try the ritual again for another 50 years and Leafy is upset but doesn't mind because she gets to stay with Firey.

Her dad tells her that there is a way they can break the tether and that is by Firey giving up his humanity. Firey would do anything for Leafy and agrees to it after he and Leafy talk about what this would mean for their future.

Firey is turned into a demon and that was just kinda how it would end and the sequel for that book would have been Firey dealing with his powers and stuff and other things that I can't give away because they connect to the sequel I'm currently working on.

Ending 2:
The same as the actual ending but instead of Leafy being able to return, due to abuse of magic Leafy's ability to open portals is taken by ancient curses and the final chapters are Firey coming to terms with loosing her. In the final chapter we see from Leafy's POV and that she's been secretly watching over Firey for the rest of his life. Firey quit his job and moved out to the mountains where he began farming and maintaining the local shrines because it made him feel closer to Leafy (this also had the idea that Leafy's family were revered in a religious sense)

Shielded by magic Leafy watches Firey live out his days. As he lays dying Leafy can't stop the tears and Mr Feuille is standing beside her to comfort her.

Once he is dead Leafy returns to his old apartment where everything began. The building was deemed no longer habitable due to faulty structure and the old apartment is now dusty and empty.

She walks around reliving everything, greatful that she met someone like Firey when she trips on a loose floorboard.

Beneath it is a small box with Leafy written on it. She opens it to find a small necklace inside and a note.

The note was written by Firey and it says that he knew she would come back here after he died and he knew that she was always there, watching over him and protecting him. Good things happened to him after they were separated and he knew she was behind it. He says that he never stopped loving her and be was greatful for the time they had together.

The epilogue would just be tying up loose ends so that's that ending.

Scrapped ideas:
I was going to have more Pin and Golfball lorw but I just couldn't think of proper ideas for them.

I was going to have more attacks like the Liy one but they just didn't work story wise and I would just be wasting characters.

I wanted to developer further on Firey's past and his relationship with his parents but I decided to save that for the sequel.

Leafy's mother was going to be a bigger part of the story but again, I decided to keep that for the sequel.

That's all for now, I'd love to know what you think of these ideas and how do they compare with the proper ending.

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