Take Your Time

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It was a cold winter night and Firey was making two cups of hot chocolate to try beat the chill.

Of course the cold didn't impact him but his girlfriend was cold and he liked chocolate.

He brought the cups to their bedroom where he found Leafy sitting on the windowsill staring out at the stars.

He couldn't help but admire her in that moment, the faint glow of the lantern beside her lighting her face in a way that can only be described as breathtaking as a slight smile played on her lips.

He allowed himself a moment to take it in before he sat down opposite her and handed her the drink which she took greatfully.

They sat in silence for a bit, Firey trying to come up with something to say before Leafy broke the silence.

"What's going on with Coiny and Pin?"

Firey didn't understand at first but he remembered the call he had gotten from Coiny about two or three weeks ago.

"Oh yeah, they're taking a break, not sure why but Coiny felt it was the best thing for both of them,"

"Any idea why?"

"Nope, never thought to ask,"

Leafy stared at the night sky thoughtfully, deep in thought.

"Hm, maybe they've been together too long or too soon?" Leafy pondered.

"What do you mean?" Firey asked, confused.

"Well, think about it. They got together not long after BFDI ended that means they were both fourteen when they started dating and they were together for seven or eight years," Leafy stated.

"Go on," Firey made a circular motion with his hand.

"They started a relationship when they were young, too young maybe. They never gave themselves time to mature or figure out who they were as their own person, they've always been a team of sorts," Leafy explained.

"But, isn't that a good thing? If they've been together so long they should be able to work together in any setting," Firey responded.

"Yes and no. You see, you and I had things we had to overcome and we had time to figure out who and what we were, even though we weren't doing well, we were finding ourselves," Leafy breathed.

"I mean, have you noticed how they always look for eachother when they get separated? What I'm getting at is that they don't know how to be alone," she concluded.

"I think I'm following," Firey said.

"We took our time finding ourselves but we ultimately found each other, the love we have is slower than most but that doesn't make it any less real," Leafy smiled fondly at Firey.

The pair smiled at eachother, getting lost in the other's eyes.

"I can't say I'm surprised though," Leafy said finally.

"Oh, why?" Firey smirked.

"Pin can be very... strict at times, Coiny likes to have fun so I'd say some of it stems from that," Leafy shrugged.

"Yeah, you're right. Coiny seems relieved nowadays," Firey smiled behind a hand.

"Hey don't laugh, it's probably a tough time for both of them," Leafy scolded.

"Heh, sorry its just they were so cringy when they got together, being all lovey dovey. I would have never imagined them breaking up," Firey laughed at the memory.

"I wasn't there for that," Leafy stated simply.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Firey looked away slightly in shame.

"It's fine, I was off finding myself and little did I know, finding my way to you," Leafy sighed softly as she reached out and caressed Firey's cheek.

"I'm glad you did but if I'd known it would lead to this, I would have found myself sooner," Firey rested against her hand.

"Oh god, are we being like them now?" Leafy laughed quietly, leaning forward.

"Maybe it's not that bad," Firey replied, copying the green haired girl.

"Firey, what are we doing?" Leafy breathed , their faces mere inches apart.

"What we always were," Firey said.

Warm lips met cold ones and Leafy found herself melting in the warmth.

Firey had a hand on Leafy's face, the other on the small of her back as he held her close, not daring to let her go.

Everything came full circle, after years of loneliness and longing here they were, finding themselves in an unexpected mixture of love and warmth.

The two had gone through so much, they both deserved the calm they found in the other.

They pulled apart, breathing heavily to catch their breath before they engulfed eachother in passionate, starved kisses.

They had both broken and beaten the  other but tonight had been proof that they could rebuild and heal the other.

It was proof that they had finally found eachother.

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