Appreciation. (fluff)

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Set just after TPOT 2 and after BFB.

The night was cool and pleasant, the windows of the bedroom were ever so slightly open.

And Firey smiled to himself as he held the girl he loved in his arms.

This was something the pair had started doing in recent months, nothing vulgar just laying in bed together. Feeling the warmth and comfort of each other's arms.

Leafy was usually cold so having Firey to snuggle up to really improved her sleep.

Firey enjoyed having her there, sometimes he couldn't believe what they were doing considering their past, but they've grown as people and now have a bond that goes so much deeper than just friendship.

He loved Leafy, that much was certain.

For now they both kept it secret. They didn't want any more drama for a while, just a nice, peaceful life together.

Firey wondered what the old BFDI cast who were now in TPOT would think, they didn't know that they had patched things up between them.

Coiny would probably tease the hell out of him, calling him a softie all while he had been dating Pin for years.

Firey had teased him when he found out he was with Pin and he was certain Coiny would be eager to get vengeance.

He laughed quietly to himself at the memories, getting comfortable while he spooned Leafy. His drowsiness had finally caught up to him.

*buzz buzz*

Firey groaned as he let go of Leafy to check who this idiot was and what they wanted.

The caller ID surprised him.

Coiny was calling him.

At this hour? This could only mean something was wrong. Yes there were different timezones in North and South Goiky but it was only a 3 hour difference. For both places it was too late to call people.

Firey begrudgingly answered the phone.

"Hello?" he said groggily.

"Hey Firey, did I wake you?" Coiny asked.

"Nope" Firey lied.

"Sorry for calling so late I just wanted to talk to someone outside of TPOT about something" Coiny explained.

"Oh? Go ahead" Firey yawned.

"Pin and I broke up a couple weeks ago and she keeps telling people we're just on a break and that we'll get back together soon but the thing is, I don't know if I wanna get back with her," Coiny sighed.

Firey was stunned, the power couple of BFDIA was no more.

" Ah I'm sorry to hear that dude" he said "Anything I can do to help?"

"Not really, but being able to talk has helped a bit," Coiny replied.

"Mhm Firey, what's going on? Who are you talking to?" Leafy murmured from under the covers.

"Oh, are you with someone Firey? Did I wake you guys up?" Coiny asked worriedly.

"Oh nah, it's fine. No one important," Firey shrugged.

Leafy gasped in mock hurt "How dare you, I am a national treasure"

"Wait a minute, is that Leafy?" Coiny questioned.

"Um, maybe" Firey coughed

"Is there something you wanna tell me Firey? Is there perhaps something I can tease you about?" Coiny asked smugly.


"Hahaha, this is priceless" Coiny laughed.

Firey rolled his eyes, grumbling to himself.

"Anyways, I'll let you get back to smoochin' your little leaf girl. But could I call you again tomorrow, I still need some advice on the whole situation," Coiny asked.

"Yeah, of course," Firey agreed.

"Night guys" Coiny sang.

"Goodnight Coiny," Firey snapped.

Coiny cackled as he hung up and Firey placed his phone on the bedside table.

He turned to Leafy who was staring at him with those gorgeous, ivy green eyes.

"What was all that about?" She asked.

Firey simply shrugged as he pulled Leafy closer and kissed her deeply.

They drew apart after a minute, Leafy blushing like hell.

"I love you, and I'm gonna do my damn best to appreciate every single thing you do for me," Firey said proudly.

"Well then, I guess I'll have to do the same then, won't I?" Leafy smiled.

They kissed again before settling into eachothers arms.

"You know we'll have to tell people eventually right? They'll find out some how," Leafy whispered.

"Yeah, I know but I don't mind. Although the whole secret thing is pretty fun," Firey said.

Leafy soon fell asleep, embraced by Firey who gazed at her and thought to himself.

"God damn, I'm lucky"
A fluffier story as repentance for the last one lol

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