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It was almost two o'clock in the morning and Leafy was laying in her bed, unable to sleep.

She was cold and a rather lonely, her sheets providing no comfort.

She had spent the entire day with Firey, laughing, reminiscing and enjoying the time together.

They had hugged a few times, an action that Leafy adored because it allowed her to be close to Firey in a proper way.

She had longed for him while they were apart and she had never imagined she would ever have him in that way, after everything they had gone through she had almost given up.

But the simple movement of Firey holding her was enough to put her in a daze of euphoria.

The thought of his embrace made her feel colder and she wanted nothing more than his warmth.

He was just down the hall, probably asleep but the mere idea that he was a few seconds away kept tempting her.

It was easy, knock on his door, tell him that she was cold and ask if they could lay together for a while , simple.

But what if it was too soon for that?

What if he didn't want her in his bed?

What if she creeped him out by asking that?

She hid her face in her pillow as she debated on what to do.

She hated how awkward it was, she had known it would be like this for a while but it was still painful nonetheless.

She just wished she knew where they stood when it came to physical affection and comfort.

Yes, they were in a relationship. They had kissed and held eachother but never in an extremely intimate way.

Would this be too far?

She hated that uncertain feeling she got when she thought deeply on their relationship.

She was scared she was going to mess up and Firey would push her away again.

As she lay in the dark, she had never felt more alone.

She couldn't deal with it anymore so she pushed herself out of her bed and left her room as quietly as she could.

She tiptoed down the hall and stopped outside Firey's door.

She took a deep breath and knocked gently.

"Hm, who is it ?" came Firey's tired voice.

Even just the sound of his voice made her feel less alone.

"It's Leafy, I'm sorry if I woke you" she responded.

"What's up?" he called out.

"Could I come in?" she asked.


Leafy pushed open the door as Firey watched her from his bed.

"You okay?" he asked as he sat up slightly.

Leafy thought about what she was going to say, she needed to word it in a way that wasn't weird.

"I-I couldn't sleep and I was feeling a bit lonely" she admitted.

"Oh, that's bad. Do you wanna sit and talk for a bit?" Firey offered.

"Well, I - uh, I was hoping I could lie beside you for tonight,"

A pause lingered in the air as Firey realised what Leafy had said.

Leafy began to panic and felt like she was going to die of embarrassment when Firey finally broke the silence.

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