Facts About My Book

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Since Tethered Souls is coming to an end I wanted to show some insight into it and also some scrapped ideas.

1. The book was gonna have the roles be reversed with Firey being a demon and Leafy being a human. They both had different personalities etc but it just didn't work because I feel like Leafy would just befriend a demon straight away no matter and it didn't work story wise.

2. Leafy was originally going to be a succubus who was banished for being "too pure" but again it just didn't work story wise.

3. Originally, the story was going to be more casual and slow, think "slice of life" but it was really boring and I hate that idea now. You can kind of see it in earlier chapters so I hate rereading the book except for any chapter after chapter 10.

4. I was going to talk about Firey's neighbours more, since he lives in an apartment but I just couldn't think of a way to implement them into the story.

5. I have many scrapped ending ideas for the story but I'll talk about those once the actual book is over.

6. This book has gone through so many tonal shifts it isn't even funny like there are so many times I've rewritten chapters because my ideas changed.

7. Firey was originally working at a bakery.

8. In my first draft Leafy was wayyy flirtier.

9. I was gonna have a "beach chapter".

That's all for now, once the book is over I'm gonna have soooooooo much to say

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