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Loves cold drinks.

Very fashionable and trendy, like she's always well-dressed.

She's definitely pretty, like one of the prettiest BFDI/BFB characters. I don't make the rules bro that's just how it is.

Loves classical and orchestral versions of music.

Can dance really well.

Speaks French and Firey loves it he will ask her to read books in French to him, he doesn't know whats going on he just likes "the sexy language"

Strong and athletic.

Enjoys eating apples, idk she just gives apple enjoyer.

Likes to read but only when it's aesthetic like under a tree at sunset type thing.

Constantly humming. 

Loves stargazing and knows a lot about astronomy.

Prefers spicy food over sweet food but she loves cake.

Forces Firey to take photos whenever they go out.

If she's eating something she likes she does a lil dance like a shoulder shimmy or smth. She does not know this and no one wants to tell her because it's hilarious and they make fun of her for it.


Definitely has RBF or like a constant scowl.

Has a naturally really high body temperature.

When he isn't amazing at something the first time he does it he gets really frustrated and doesn't want to do it again.

Is somehow really good at chess and it pisses Golfball off because he doesn't even know the names of the pieces.

He seems like he would speak German.

Loves to cook at is good at it, he really cares about presentation .

Likes to keep his bedroom tidy.

Loves to flirt with Leafy and laughs when she gets flustered but he factory resets when she flirts back .

Speaks/does before he thinks.

Would do literally anything for even the smallest bit of money.

When he's embarrassed his ears, cheeks and nose go red.

Loves fizzy drinks.

Can literally sleep for hours on end.

Talks in his sleep and he always says the most embarrassing things.

Enjoys ruffling people's hair, he does it affectionately but also to piss people off.

His hair refuses to be flat.

Does skincare and actually knows a lot about it.

The kid in PE who screamed at you if you dropped the ball.

Sometimes if he's standing still and he thinks there's no one around he'll put his hands on his hips and move side to side. Leafy sometimes catches him and yells "WOO SHAKE IT FIRE-MAN" just to piss him off.


Leafy hates horror movies but Firey loves them, they both use them as an excuse to cuddle.

Firey will always steal Leafy's last bit of food.

Leafy likes holding his hand.

Firey likes to rest his head in Leafys lap

Firey likes olives, Leafy hates them.

Leafy likes to count Firey's freckles.

Leafy asks Firey if he'd still love her if she was a worm and he says no.

they lubbychudder

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