Idolised Lies Original Plot

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Before I actually published Idolised Lies, there were a few different plot ideas but my main one that came the closest to being real was something like this:

At first, it was going to be way more mature, with Firey still hating Idols but only because he hated how corrupt and disgusting the industry was.

He still hated Leafy at first but instead of the relationship being wholesome and about them helping each other to be better people, it was going to be about the forbidden attraction they felt.

The thing was going to be that Firey was physically attracted to Leafy but not romantically while Leafy wanted him both ways.

There was going to be more fighting and meaness but there was tension and lingering feelings.

The relationship would be friends with benefits and involved quite a few one night stands and quick hook ups in dressing rooms, very spicy indeed.

Other than that it was the same, Firey and Leafy both engaging in self sabotaging behavior and hurting the other because of it until it ultimately blew up in their faces.

Untimely, I decided I wanted more of a feel good book because Gone Without You is my "realistic" Fireafy book

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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