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I know this is really late but whatever.

I really enjoyed TPOT 4 there were so many references and call backs to BFDI/BFDIA and it really gave classic episode vibes and it was really just a comforting episode overall. 

Although I do have to admit that I was disappointed that Four didn't make any type of cameo or anything like I mean it was episode FOUR. It would have been funny to see him reference or anything.

During the ep I kept hoping that they would reference Four or BFB especially when they had to travel to different biomes I was honestly expecting one team to be sent to the Pillary Ruins and run into the BFB contestants or something like that.

Another thing I was kind of hoping for was a Leafy/Firey reference because of the challenge seeing as they are in their little boat traveling I hoped that there would be a little cameo (I am very much delusional and biased)

ALSO, when Team8s were sent to the Yoyle Fields I was really praying for some more lore or something like there's always lore in the Yoyle Fields but there was none and I was sad, (again i am delulu)

In future episodes it'd be cool to have references and appearances from BFB contestants, literally any of them I need to know how they are doing.

I also NEED Firey and Leafy updates. Have they found as island?Are they playing games of TicTacToe? This is all very important information that I need.

It's such a shame that BFB is over because those guys were my favourite characters and now there's nothing from them and theres only so much you can do with rewatching the series.

Anyways, once again I am absolutely delusional and maybe I ship a literal leaf and flame a BIT too much but who cares.



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