Burnt Pans

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Plot: Leafy and Firey have recently moved in together, Leafy has a day off work and wants to give Firey a nice surprise when he comes home.
(Leafy's POV)

Ever since Firey and I first started living together he's done all the cooking, not that I'm complaining he's amazing and cooking but I still feel bad.

I've found a recipe for his favourite dish online and I'm going to have it all prepared and perfect for when he comes home today.

I went out to the store to buy the ingredients when I bumped into Golfball.

"Hey GB, what's up?" I asked cheerfully.

"Oh nothing really, just running some errands. What are you doing?" she responded.

"I'm buying stuff for the dinner I'm cooking tonight!" I smiled.

Golfball's face grew pale and she physically recoiled.

"Y-you can't be serious about that Leafy," she stammered.

"I am," I stated.

"Leafy, you cooked in my house and blew up my stove," she said flatly.

"That was just one time!" I defended.

"Leafy, you can't cook," Golfbal shook my shoulders.

"That's so rude! I'm just trying to do something nice for someone I love," I argued.

"If you call poisoning nice," she said under her breath.

"Hey, I heard that," I glared.

Golfball gave me a skeptic look and turned away.

I watched her walk down the street as she called someone on her phone and started talking to them.

"So rude," I sighed.


As soon as I got home I stared preparing the food.

I put the pasta in a pot of water and left it to boil.

I got to work on the steak, tenderising and coating it in oil and seasoning. The recipe called for paprika, ginger and coriander.

I placed it in a pan and let it cook

I had to add garlic and butter to a skillet but my hand slipped when cutting the butter and I think I put too much... Maybe it won't matter?

Wait, I wasn't supposed to put it in a skillet it's supposed to go in a bowl. I had to quickly transfer everything into the bowl and then I had to add flour.

I used the right amount but it was just coming out clumpy and dry and kinda... oily?

I decided to add a bit of water to make it more of a liquid, I've assumed this is the sauce since in the video I'm following it's nice and... liquid-y ?

Oh crap I was supposed to add milk?maybe if I add a bit more flour and then the milk it won't matter?

Okay now I put it in the skillet and then I have to add the baby tomatoes.

The baby tomatoes I forgot to cut.

I had to cut them quickly, Firey would be home soon.

I was making up for lost time, I could do this!


The sudden beeping startled me, causing my hand to slip.

There was blood everywhere.

The wound on my hand my deep and I started to panic, the smoke alarm blared and I saw the steak was burning.

I waved a towel at the smoke detector and opened a window.

I tried to tackle the steak but I ended up knocking the pasta and the butter-water-flour stuff onto the floor and it went everywhere.

I stood there for a few minutes and then I sank to the floor and cried.

Golfball was right, I can't cook at all.

Now the kitchen is filthy and Firey will be home any minute and there's nothing ready and I probably look insane.

My hand hurt and I had a headache.

I was so busy sitting there that I didn't hear Firey come in.

"Leafs, what are you doing?"

I looked up and sniffed.

"I tried to make dinner,"

"I can see that, it's kinda all over the place,"

I glared at him as I felt the tears come back.


Firey walked over to me and brushed my hair out of my eyes and made me look at him.

"Don't be sorry, you didn't do anything," he smiled gently.

"No, I ruined all of it, I ruined the meat, the seasoning everything, I just wanted something nice for when you came home," I sobbed.

"But you don't have to do things like this, I just like coming home to you, Leafy," he said.

"But I wanted to, you always make dinner, I've never made a single thing for you ever since we started dating, it's always been you," I sniffed.

"Leafy, I've known for years you can't cook, it was literally the first thing people told me when they found out I liked you," Firey laughed.

"How come everyone knows this except for me?" I frowned.

"Probably because you're too busy blowing up stoves," he smirked.

"Asshole,"I grumbled.

" But it doesn't matter, you're still so amazing and I still wake up everyday thanking whatever God is up there that you're with me, "Firey said as he hugged me.

I felt a blush creep on my face.

"You're really talented Leafy cooking just isn't your strong suit but it's a good thing it's mine," he said proudly.

Firey stood up and began to wipe all the surfaces down and put all of my "attempts" to the side.

"Leafy, you can sit down on the couch if you want to and I'll make dinner tonight," he offered.

"Can I sit in here with you while you make it?" I asked.

"Of course," he replied, kissing my hand.


I looked down at my hand and saw that blood was still very much there.

"Oh yeah, I am"


Firey ran to the medical cabinet, panicked.

He wrapped up my hand and I could help but laugh at his annoyed expression.


"You are not cooking again," Firey muttered once he had finished cleaning up from the food he had made.

"I make no promises," I stated.

"Not funny," he rolled his eyes.

"You still love me," I said I wrapped my arms around him from behind.

"Do I?" he scoffed.


Just a quick story based on a headcanon I have for Leafy,she cant  cook that's the headcanon.

Like it's impressive how bad she is at cooking, she's cartoon bad at cooking, pots exploding etc

But Firey is actually a really good cook, idk he just gives those vibes and Leafy is always really impressed whenever he makes literally anything.

Anyways I'm done.


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