Part 9

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Weasel was in his truck, driving out into the country a few hours away from the Rainbow base. He was getting bored as he drove, but he was glad to get away from the city and the base as he only saw open fields and a few animals. He saw a road that was leading down the main road, which he turned on. He would see a military base that had a gate and sentries on guard duty. He stopped at the gate where several people checked his vehicle while another stood by the window as Weasel rolled it down.

Weasel: I see Riggs has really stepped up the security while I was gone. How's things here, Bruce?

He handed Bruce an ID.

Bruce: Things are going great. We actually have beds now.

He handed Weasel his ID.

Weasel: Can't wait to see it. Hope the drug addiction is getting better.

He drove off, Bruce watched him, then looked around and took out a small bag. He opened it up, but he noticed that Sonja was standing next to him, taking his drugs away.

Bruce: My cocaine!

Weasel parked his truck in a spot that had his name on it. He stepped out and grabbed his rifle from the back seat as he looked at the area.

Weasel: How much money did they pay for this?

He walked inside, and he walked into the room. Inside was Riggs as she was on the phone giving out orders. She looked at Weasel and hung up as she went to hug him.

Riggs: Weasel, it's great to see you again.

Weasel: Hey Sophia, it's nice to see you as well. I see you are busy here.

Riggs: Oh yes, and I love it. Though I do miss going out on missions.

Weasel: You sure about that? Our missions were really dangerous.

Riggs: True, I still remember having to help Crowley steal helicopters while I had to learn to shoot my rifle while dealing with a bad pilot.

Weasel: Good times.

Riggs: Right, now go check out our new base. Also we have some new members you should meet.

Weasel: I will. Congrats on the new promotion.

He walked out to a hallway. He pasted a few rooms where he saw  training recruits. The newest members of the PMC were Emmeranne 'Argos' Caputo, a former Italian GIS that trained learning and mastering the Roman gladius, and Dustin Kensrue, a former pilot for the US Air Force. He found Torgue's new office, where he sat at a desk with his feet resting on it. Ares was sitting next to him as she leaned against him until Weasel sat down.

Weasel: Hello again, Ares.

Ares: Elliot, how's Rainbow?

Weasel: It would be better if that Kali lady wasn't getting some of the other people mad at her.

Torgue: Why's that?

Weasel: Her and Ash really don't like each other, and apparently, there was an incident during an event or something.

Ares: Oh? Are you in this event as well?

Weasel: No, Harry doesn't want me televised. Cause the whole PMC  thing.

Ares: That or it would just be cheating since I bet you could just take them all on alone.

Torgue: Damn right he could. We don't have pansies at this base only MOTHERFUCKING BADASSSES!

He stood up from his desk, but Ares grabbed his arm and pulled him back to his seat.

Ares: Yes, everyone here is very good at their job.

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