part 14

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Nicole was in her apartment looking out the window. She stepped away loading a pistol as she locked the door. She heard doors being kicked in. She began getting gas arrows ready as she heard people coming to her door. She aimed a bow at the door. She looked at the window, Weasel was staring at her then climbed away. The door nob began to glow red-hot as it melted. She shot her gas arrow to cover the doorway in gas. Leon and Leone walked through it; their helmets were able to filter the gas. Nicole fired her pistol but it wasn't enough to break their armor. She grabbed a flashbang from her bed to cover her escape. She began climbing down the fire escape. She looked up as Weasel was climbing along the building towards her and Leon and Leone chasing her down the escape. She slid down the ladder and hit the ground. She turned to run by Sonja placed a rag over her mouth and slammed her against a car. Nicole tried to fight back but the rag was laced with chloroform which knocked her out.

Sonja: We got the target. Send in the cleaning crew

She grabbed Nicole and walked down the alley where a vehicle was waiting with Argos and Crowley inside. James drove a truck next to the building. Leone and Leon jumped in the box as Weasel and Liquidator got inside.

Nicole would wake up in a cell hours later. She was very confused as she was in a very nice bed and what looked to be a homemade meal.

Nicole: What the fuck?

Bruce: Shit, Matt she's up go get Ares.

Matt: Copy, copy.

Nicole: Where am I?

Bruce: I can't say.

Nicole: Why?

Bruce: Cause I just did a line of coke and I'm tripping.

Nicole: Got any more?

Bruce: Reeeee!

He took off running but went straight into a wall, knocking himself out. James walked in with a first aid kit.

James: Damn it, Bruce.

Nicole: Where am I?

James: Can't say.

Nicole: Fucking great. Is the food poisoned at least?

James: No. Bob worked hard on it.

She got up and looked to see a beef wellington dish with all the sides. She was even more confused about what kinda situation she is in. She began eating and was amazed at the quality of the food she has.

Nicole: Holy shit.

Bob: Thank you.

She looked at Bob as he was mopping the floor. Weasel walked next to the cell with a chair.

Nicole: Fuck.

Weasel: Does Riley know about you working with a terrorist group?

Nicole: No.

Weasel: Good. Before my boss comes in here why the hell are you involved in this?

Nicole: I made friends with bad people. So are you guys going to kill me or something?

Weasel: No, I just want to know why a PMC group was looking for you back in Australia or why you were in Mexico.

Nicole: First, I don't know. Second, I was on a mission that I regret.

Weasel: So why did you just take a bunch of money?

Nicole: That wasn't the reason I was there. We did something worse.

Mexico 2 weeks earlier, after being mauled by Weasel.

A group of civilians consisting of mostly children is being held, hostage. A man named Ramsay, a former Danish Jaeger who joined the White Masks is keeping them hostage but plans to kill them to send a message. With him are two other terrorists, Nicole and Violet.

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