Break up

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It's been a week since Kevin told me he was going to start playing for Pachuca. I haven't told him how I feel about it yet. We've both been starting to distance ourselves lately. I think he knows how I'm feeling. I should talk to him about it. No. I shouldn't. It's his promise to his dad. It's something he's been dreaming of since he was little. I can't ruin something he's been dreaming of. I'm proud of him. I just can't imagine him being far away from home. I would go with him but what about my family? My dream is to become a nurse and I already applied for Med-School. I get caught off guard when I hear Kevin talking to me.
"Hey Angeli what's wrong?" He tells me. We were in 7th period. I look at him and shake my head. "Nothing just thinking" I tell him. He looks at me curious and smiles. "What are you thinking about ?" He tells me. I look at him and  give a weak smile. "About how much we're about to graduate high school." I tell him. I'm obviously lying. I'm thinking about him and his career. He smiles and looks back at the board where we are taking notes. I continue the same but I can't seem to get that out my head.

After school
Kevin asks me if he can come to my house to work on Anatomy homework. I tell him yes,even though I wasn't in the mood to have anyone around. We get to my house and I sit down on the dinning room immediately. We both take our homework out and start working on it. While working, I have the urge to tell him how I feel. I look at him and he's doing his work.
"Im going to go use the bathroom I'll be back" I tell him. I go to the bathroom and think to myself if I should talk to him about it. I want to talk to him about it so bad.  I start rehearsing what Im going to say to him. I got this. I come out the bathroom and i walk back to the dinning room. He's still doing his work. It's time, now or never.

"Hey Kevin I wanted to talk to you about something." I tell him looking down at my hands. "What is it ?" He tells me looking up from his work. Nothing bad is going to happen, he'll understand. "When are you going to be leaving for Pachuca ?" I tell him. My voice almost started breaking. He looks at me blank. "Um, I also wanted to talk to you about that." Kevin says. Something's wrong. "I'm leaving for Pachuca in a month. I could leave early but since school is almost over I decided in a month." He tells me. We stare at each other. "Your almost leaving then ?" I tell him, I can feel myself almost starting to cry. "Yeah." He tells me. I don't know what got into me but I let it all out. "Kevin I'm very very proud of you for dream coming true, but I don't want be far way from you. I want to be with you while I'm in Med-School. I want to attend university with you. I want to still see your wonderful face everyday." I tell him while I'm crying. He looks at me. His face expression changed, in a bad way. "You think I'm going to let go of my dream for you? It's a promise I gave to my dad and you think I'm going to give it all up for you? It's not my problem you're going to college. Or you want to save people. None of it is my problem. You should've saw this coming earlier. You're so selfish." He tells me. Wow.

I look at him. He stares back at me mad. I can't believe I'm going to say this. "I'm breaking up with you." I tell him. I need to be strong. I can't let him be in the way of my future. He starts laughing . "Good, now I won't need some crybaby bitch crying to me." He grabs his stuff and leaves. He slams the door. I start to breakdown. I start screaming and throwing stuff on the floor. This goes on for 5 minutes until I get myself together. I don't need him. All my crying was getting me tired. I go to my bed, it starts to hit me again and I start crying. I cry myself to sleep.

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