Moving on

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It's been a 2 weeks since the break up. I still sit next to Kevin except in 2nd period. During 6th period, I was taking notes. While I was taking notes, my pencil slipped. It fell under Kevin's chair. Just fucking great. I check my pencil pouch to see if I had any extra pencils or pens. I had none since Kevin and more people would ask to "borrow" one.

I tap Kevin. "Can you get my pencil please ?" I ask him. He looks at me and scoffs. "I'm not going to give up taking notes just for your pencil" he tells me and rolls his eyes. I sigh and try to get the pencil myself . As I grabbed my pencil, Kevin stepped on my hand. He stepped on it hard. I let go of my pencil and check my hand. I hear him laughing at me. I grab my pencil and start taking notes. After class I make my way to 7th period. I saw Kevin talking to some girl that's a Junior. I didn't care and keep walking. I saw him looking at me and he kisses the Junior girl. I keep walking to class. As I sat down I check my hand and saw a bruise forming. I touch it and I wince. I grab my things out until I hear Kevin's voice. I'm starting to hate that voice. I continue taking out my stuff.

"Nice bruise" he tells me. Smirking. I don't bother looking at him and flip through my pages. "I know you can hear me." He keeps talking and it's getting annoying. He grabs my chin and makes me face him. "Look at me when I'm talking to you." I should've moved my hand from the table. He looks at it and grabs the pencil in my hand. He hits my hand with the pencil. I wince so hard. It's hurting so badly. I check and see that It's bleeding. I was starting to get up to ask the teacher if I can go to the school nurse when Kevin pulls me back from my seat. "Don't even think about telling on my bitch." Kevin whispers. He grabs me very hard. I sit back down because every second I was up his grip would get harder and harder. I try to find something to stop the pain. The bells rings for class to start.

15 minutes into class and I start to feel nauseous. Did the lunch food make me feel nauseous? I ate a pizza, apple slices, and water for lunch. I had some Lime Lays for a snack. I raise my hand to go use the bathroom. My teacher lets me go and I run out the classroom. I run to the bathroom and go inside one of the stalls. I throw up. I continue throwing up until I hear someone walk in. "Hey are you okay in there?" Some girl says. She sounded young, must be a Freshman. "Yea I'm fine thank you." I wasn't fine. I'm throwing my guts out. She didn't say anything but she didn't move either. I flush the toilet and come out the stall. As soon as I open the stall she leaves. I didn't pay much attention to it tho. I hear someone else coming in. It might be her to check up on me. I was wrong. It was Kevin. I cant get a break from him. I continue washing my hand and try to remove some of the vomit in my hair. I also clean up the blood from earlier. As I clean the blood I start to remember something. I haven't had my period. Please please don't tell me. It's a new month. Did he use protection?

"Why did you run out the classroom" he ask me. I don't reply and grab paper to dry myself. He scoffs and walks away. Finally I have some peace. I start to remember everything. 4 weeks ago we did it. 2 weeks ago we broke up. I get my period during the end. It might just be late. Nothings wrong. The food was probably bad. I clean myself up and leave the bathroom. As I'm leaving he bathroom I see Kevin making out with the same Junior girl. He looks over at me and smirks. I ignore them and walk back to class.

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