Week later

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A week has passed after what happened. My parents were fully aware of the situation. I was playing with the babies when I hear a knock downstairs, I ignore it. I hear another knock.I go downstairs to check and see it was Kevin. He had a basket with toys, food, and a bouquet of flowers. I open the door and he looks at me smiling.

"Hi," He said "I wanted to give this to you." He continues. "Hi, come in" I tell him, it was raining and he looked cold. He looked around for the kids. "They're upstairs, I'll get them right now" I tell him. I go upstairs to get away from the awkwardness between him and I. I carry the kids downstairs, careful with not dropping them. When I bring them downstairs, Kevin stares at me. I stand their awkwardly with the babies. "Can I hold her?" He asked me. He wanted to hold Nely. I hesitate and nod my head yes.

He grabs Nely from me and holds her carefully. Nely starts to giggle and touches his face. Kevin smiles and starts to bring her high. He makes faces and makes her giggle. I make a small smile until Kevin turns to look at me.
"She laughs like you" he tells me. He gives me Nely and takes Jesus. Jesus was giggling when Kevin made faces. I check the time and see that It's almost their nap time.
"Everything okay?" Kevin ask me.
"Yea, it's almost their nap time." I tell him.
"Can I take them upstairs?" He asks me. I wanted to say no, but he asked kindly so I let him. He brought Jesus and I brought Nely. We lay them both on their own crib, I make sure everything is alright before going downstairs. Kevin looked around at the kids and I room. I was getting flashbacks from him being in my room.

We go downstairs and I give him some pasta I made. He ate and we talked for an hour about how our lives were going. He told me how his career was going, how he enjoys playing, and how he wants to go to Europe very badly. He asks me how I'm doing with school,I tell him I'm doing good and I might have a chance to graduate early. He looks surprised when I said that. He asks me about Med-School and I tell him how I took a break just to watch the kids grow up. When I mentioned that, he looked down. I changed the subject, after an hour the twins wake up and I give them their food. Kevin helps me feed them, after 4:00PM Kevin leaves to his hotel. I clean the house and make dinner for my parents. I'm starting to enjoy his company and I hope he can still be in his kids lives.

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