giant fucking robot

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Y/n pov:

I looked in horror at the cut on my cheek, trying to make sense of what happened. The shadow man is real? How? Who is he?

I was shaking at this point. I was touching the scab on my face, when Sam walked into the bathroom to check on me.

Sam: um, is everything okay? It's just a scratch...

Y/n: oh, y-yeah, everything's fine, it's just... y'know, I don't want my skin to be all gross and scarred in the future. It's, um, embarrassing...

Sam: oh, Don't worry about that, let me take a look.

Sam gently tilted my head so she could examine the scratch, before she held her hand out to touch it. I could see a bright green glow radiate from her hand for a few seconds, before she pulled away. I looked back at myself in the mirror, and noticed that the scab had disappeared entirely.

Sam: there you go, it's gone now!

Y/n: uh...thanks. that was your semblance, I guess?

Sam: yep! I can heal injuries if they're fresh enough. I'm basically the team nurse.

I thanked her, before leaving the bathroom and sitting down on my bed, staring off at nothing specific. I was still trying to wrap my mind around what had happened. I'm just gonna say that kane's toxins gave me a fever dream, and his tail accidentally cut me last night.

Y/n: so, what are we doing today?

Ash: it's a Saturday, so we do not need to attend classes. We do, however, need to attend training with team RWBY, as per ruby's request. She asked us to join them in the woods to hunt Grimm.

Y/n: oh, well that's simple enough. What are we waiting for?

Ash: nothing, we are leaving immediately.

Ash walked up to me, and handed me my shock baton that had gone missing since I was captured. After half an hour, we made it into the woods, where team RWBY was waiting for us. Blake and weiss rolled her eyes once she saw me, but at least my sisters looked happy to see me. Kane rushed ahead and gave yang a high five, and the rest of us stopped.

Ruby: oh, you made it! I was starting to think you guys forgot. Hey bro!

Y/n: hey. So, where are the Grimm?

Yang: we haven't gone deep enough into the forest for any to show up. But hey, you're pretty good at attracting Grimm, so we should get some big ones!

I laughed with yang and ruby, but I stopped once ash spoke up.

Ash: I would hope not, since he is still defenseless without his semblance.

Y/n: hey, I am not defenseless! Actually, I might have my semblance back now, let me just...

I closed my eyes, and straightened my posture, before I flung my arm out towards Blake, trying to muster up any semblance that I had. But unfortunately, nothing happened. I couldn't even feel any extra energy to confirm whether or not I even had my semblance.

Y/n: huh... it's taking longer than usual...

Ruby: don't worry bro, I'm sure you'll get your semblance back soon. I know you will!

I looked down at ruby, who was now to my side, leaning forward and smiling at me with her giant, silver eyes gleaming. I gave her a soft smile, before I lowered my arm back down.

Blake: so...we're just going to ignore the fact that he just tried to kill me?

Yang: alright then, let's go kill some Grimm!

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