team AS(Y)K

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This chapter will be a lot shorter than the others, but that's only because I'm trying to focus on the next chapter "giant fucking robot", so yeah. Enjoy :)

Y/n's pov:

Ozpin: Mr. Y/n, I'd like you to meet your new teammates.

I stared at the three huntsman that ozpin had presented to me, and I gave them a quick visual overview. Well, only two of them were huntsmen, last one is a woman.

The first one is draped in some kind of black heavy flight suit, complete with a jet pack and a visored helmet. The suit had yellow accents and patches on the joints, and the visor was a bright yellow, bordered with a white rim surrounding it. The huntsman took a few steps forward, and stood up tall and all proper-like.

Ash: Greetings y/n, you may call me ash.

...or it's a woman, oh well. Her voice was gruff, and slightly distorted by her helmet, which made it sound like she was speaking through a radio.

The next huntsman playfully pushed her out of the way, and extended his hand out for me to shake.

Kane: hey there, the name's Kane!

'Kane', had on much more revealing clothes compared to ash, as in you could actually see any part of his scarred body. His hair was black and messy, and his eyes were a light brown. He wore a red long sleeve shirt, and a pair of plaid pajamas. Which does make sense I guess, since it's basically midnight. I decided to shake his hand, but when I did, I noticed that he had a scorpion tail hanging low to the floor. It reminded me of a friend, in a way.

And finally, there was a huntress who was wearing blue pajamas with bunnies scattered across them in various poses. She had short blonde hair, and bright green eyes shining at me.

Sam: hey there, my name is Samanthra, but you can just call me Sam if you'd like!

She was smiling brightly, and holding her hands together Infront of her. Something's up with these people, there's no reason they're so happy for me to be on their team.

Y/n: hey ozpin, can I choose any of the other clowns in stock, or am I stuck with them?

Ozpin: I'm afraid that these are the only 'clowns' available. You agreed to do this, might I remind you. You are dismissed.

Y/n: you blackmailed me, might I remind YOU. Oh well, I'm gonna go sleep in one of the dorms.

Me and my new teammates entered the elevator, and they periodically took glances at me. They weren't glances of mistrust, or anger like team RWBY's, but instead they just seemed curious.

Y/n: so? What's the deal with you guys, why do you look so happy?

Sam was about to speak up, but Kane spoke over her, and took a few steps closer to me.

Kane: it's nice having a fourth teammate again! The last one...well, she's gone, so that kinda left us at a disadvantage.

Y/n: oh, damn. So, who's the leader?

Kane pointed to ash, who faced the elevator door with her arms folded behind her back. I take it that she has a military background, or she's an edge lord trying to be cool. The elevator opened, and we all started walking down the halls. I was walking slightly behind them, when I felt another student bump into me. I was about to be mad, until I realized that it was mercury. I nodded my head at him, and caught up to the others

Y/n: yeah, I don't really want to sleep in your dorm, so I'll just go to team RWBY'S.

Kane: RWBY? You know them?

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