flavors of misschief

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Well, I was a bit short of five years, but I doubt many of you guys would mind :)

Y/n pov:

It's now the next day after the mecha crab showdown, and the vytal festival is knocking on the door. Right now, I am with cinder and her lackeys,  while they told me of what's to come.

Y/n: oh, damn! This is gonna be fun, that's for sure. Now that I know my semblance is probably going to come back if I need it, I'm feeling a lot better about this.

Cinder: just remember to stay focused, y/n. All of the hacked atlas machinery will still attack you, as will  the white fang and the grimm, so be prepared.

Y/n: *sigh* alright, alright. Oh by the way, when is the...uh...

I was about to ask her a question, but I stopped myself when she turned around and gave me an angry glare.

Y/n:..I was just going to ask when I could leave.

Cinder:..just get out of here before someone catches you talking with us...

I walked my way towards the door, and I quickly pulled mercury closer to me once cinder turned around, and whispered in his ear.

Y/n: when is the vytal festival again?

Mercury: uh...it starts tomorrow.

Y/n: thank you. Go to hell, Mercury.

Cinder turned back around, and I swiftly turned back to the door and casually walked down the halls, trying to be discreet.

Today felt strange, for some odd reason. I didn't feel like anyone was going to try and kill me, I didn't have as many nightmares last night, and I felt...joyful.

While I walked down the halls to return to my team's dorm, I had an epiphany...no one was here to stop me from leaving. I mean, I still can't leave for good, because that would fuck up cinder's plan, but I could still go on a little adventure on my own.

I snuck through the halls, until I made it outside of the school. I tippy toed across the courtyard and turned to look for anyone Incase they saw me, but when I turned back around, ozpin was staring at me, holding his cane and smiling at me.

Y/n: ah! Ozpin, uh...I was just...

Ozpin: leaving? You have my permission to leave, y/n.

Y/n: look, It's not...wait, what?

Ozpin: all I asked of you in our agreement was to become a student of beacon academy. I am not holding you captive here. Besides, I have the feeling you don't want to leave.

Y/n: uh...okay, then.

I walked past ozpin, who just stood there in place as I walked off. Right at the front of the school, I saw a yellow motorcycle, which I hot wired and stole to drive into town.

I spent the first few minutes of my time in the city Tripping the elderly, and convincing a murder of crows to harass the local children. After all of that, I decided that I needed to get a quick snack, preferably something to cool me down on this strangely hot evening. After stealing someone's wallet, I decided to head down to the ice cream parlor. Once I made it inside the parlor, I noticed a familiar face walking towards one of the booths, holding a bowl of Neapolitan ice cream in her hands.

I snuck behind her, and wrapped one of my arms around her neck.

Y/n: freeze, criminal-

Neo instantly grabbed me and flipped me over her shoulder and pointed her parasol's blade at my head, all with one hand. She frowned at me, before she perked up and realized that it was me.

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